Fantastic Pixel Castle Completes Second Milestone On Project Ghost, Wants To Tell You All About It
The current work ties the Blue and Red Zones together a bit more.
Fantastic Pixel Castle has completed the second Milestone on Project Ghost. This step in game development focused on completing the gameplay loop, improving on the Blue Zone foundations of the first milestone, and looping them into the Red Zone. With this system, players join parties in the Central Hub and move into the Blue Zones where they complete objectives. Then they return to the Hub and use the experience and resources earned in the Blue Zones to take on the frozen-hearted raid boss.
Like traditional MMOs, the gameplay is based around a three-class system – specifically, melee, ranged, and healing. That said, players should expect that the classes that currently exist in this version of the game will change in some way while keeping that three-class system.
In addition to working on the gameplay loop and the class system, the devs also improved XP spending, created more monsters and boss battles, added a working inventory system, and ensured that different objectives dropped different kinds of loot.
The latest FPC Dev blog outlines how each of these things was done and provides players with more information on things like the Blue Zones. There are also several pretty pictures for players interested in seeing more of the art direction.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it all breaks down, though.
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