Fallout 76’s Newest Update, Mutation Invasion, Will Be A Cryptid Filled Season

Welcome to the world of Big Game Cryptid Hunting

Aspen Pash
By Aspen Pash, News Editor Posted:

Fallout 76 Mutation Invasion Attention all Wastelanders, it is time for the next update coming to Fallout 76: Mutation Invasion. Get ready for a cryptid-themed Season, the addition of Daily Ops Mutations to Public Events, and more.

First and foremost, the Mutation Invasion update introduces a Mutated Public Event from February 28 to March 21. This new addition will increase the difficulty of Public Events, but with that comes better rewards like the Mutated Package reward which will include meds, resources, ammo, a 3* Legendary item, and chances for rare plans. Also, players playing with at least three Fallout 1st members will receive Mutated Party Packs, which offer even more rewards.

But that's not all - the update also includes new Daily Ops features, including a new enemy type (aliens!), new locations to explore (Capitol Building, Garrahan Mining Headquarters, and Morgantown High School), and a new Mutation called Reflective, where enemies reflect some of the damage back to players.

Then, if you're a fan of cryptids, players will be pleased to know that this cryptid-themed Season comes complete with Cryptid Rewards, a new ally (Brother Steven), and new C.A.M.P. items (like the Hunter's Throne and Taxidermy Bear Stein Display).

And for those who love a good feature, the Mutation Invasion update introduces the new Re-Roller feature, which allows players to reroll one Daily or Weekly Challenge per day for free. This can be done in the Season board or purchased in the Atomic Shop, and re-rolled challenges have a chance to become an Epic Challenge, offering even better completion rewards.

Players that would like to read more on Mutation Invasion can check out the official Inside the Vault post. And lastly, in order to apply the Mutation Invasion update, Fallout 76 will be brought offline at 9 AM ET on all platforms on February 28.

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In this article: Bethesda, Fallout 76.

About the Author

Aspen Pash
Aspen Pash, News Editor

Aspen is an avid gamer and Twitch streamer currently residing in Japan. She is most attracted to games narrative design and is a huge fan of player choice in games. If Aspen is not playing games, she is most certainly writing about them.

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Discussion (1)

Flintstone 2 years ago
Wow, I think i'm ready, just updated my graphics card and t.v. maxo awesome. Just how crispier can it get it. well i'll see it all today :)

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