UPDATED: F2P and B2P Discussions Banned from WildStar Subreddit
Yes, I know that WildStar itself isn't a F2P game (yet at least), but I couldn't let this little bit of news slip by without bring it to my F2P friends to get your opinion on it. We all know that WildStar has been having its own set of troubles that started the whole "Will it go F2P or B2P, and when?" discussion a long time ago.
If you want to continue that discussion and the merits of either model for the MMORPG though, you'll have to take the chat somewhere other than the WildStar subreddit. Mod Fran (username: girlwithruniedteeth) has announced that B2P and F2P topics in their entirety will be banned from posting. Don't misunderstand. Troll comments and flamebait comments aren't being banned as they are made, but rather discussion on the topic as a whole is banned.
Well, Fran views these topics as generally just creating a messy environment that turns into nothing but the aforementioned trolling comments on both sides of the discussion. Citing a lack of evidence that WildStar will be changing models anytime soon, despite retailers dumping boxed copies and WildStar itself running a promotion to entice players to liquidate retailers' inventories for them, Fran feels that these topics are only speculation and lead to overall negative postings.
"I am personally irritated and tired with the negativity and hostility towards WildStar that is spurred on by these kinds of posts. I've come to the conclusion that anyone posting these threads are either 1. Self entitled and do not actually wish to support the game itself, and/or 2. Trolling and intentionally trying to create unrest in the community.
These posts are no better or helpful than "dedgaim" posts, and from this point forward, I will not allow these kinds of posts to be made," Fran wrote.
The ban only has one exception: If a Carbine Employee or Moderator announces a business model change.
So what do you think? Yes, Moderators obviously can ban certain topics (most reddits do) but does banning a topic that clearly has merit based on a company's actions and could have beneficial discussion points being made simply because some people opt to flame the post make sense? What do you think?
One thing is for sure, I'll certainly be looking forward to NCSoft's Q1 financial report analysis from Jason Winter since that report is due out, ironically, tomorrow!
UPDATE: 5/13/2015 - Fran has taken to reddit again to remove the ban on the F2P/B2P discussion. With the release of NCSoft's financial today and WildStar's continued decline, Fran wrote, "Now with the reports being public and there is discussion to be had, putting up the rule was a mistake."
About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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Players can also look forward to daily login rewards, a deathmatch weekend, a guild celebration, and more.

However, the game is Web3-based.

Yes, you get to build your own walking bases.

That’s when they’ll tell us the launch day for Patch 7.2 (that we’ve all probably guessed already).
While it was a stupid move at least this person admitted it was stupid and backed off rather quickly. Something Trion should have learned a long time ago.
People want to have fun their way. Dungeons need to be open and progressive. Nobody wants to play dance-dance revolution with the same song 100x over.
they need to milk this desperate extra bucks before changing it
it is a dick move, but is not like we are shocked by this xD
They can ban every single thread on the subreddit but that won't change the fact the game is dying. Behaviour like this is no better for the game than the trolls they think they are shutting out by doing it. Silencing discussion will NEVER help ANY game.
Her job was to moderate, not make arbitrary decisions about what people can and cannot discuss. Yet she did so, and just like it was a dumb idea to have that greedy payment model, this is also a bad idea that will backfire on them and contribute immensely to their downward spiral.