Eve Online Players Can Now Take The Game With Them Everywhere As Eve Leaves Space And Heads To The Cloud
Welcome to cloud-based Eve Online.
CCP Games has been busy. Today, the Eve Online developer announced a new project titled Eve Anywhere. This new cloud-based platform launched today and allows players to take the game with them...well...anywhere, using the browser of their choice. That means players can log on to Eve via their phones using Chrome or Safari – or on any desktop using those browsers, Edge, or Firefox. I’m not sure how well people will like "spreadsheets the game" on mobile devices, but we’re gonna find out.
Eve Anywhere went through testing last year, being given the once-over by premium Omega players. During that time, more than 11,000 users gave it a whirl, streaming 86,000 sessions. Now, the service is open to everyone. It’s based on Intel technology that allows the company to remotely access high-capacity servers via the cloud. This means that all the heavy lifting is being done on CCP’s end – not counting the bandwidth needed to play, of course.
Considering the success rate of cloud-based gaming, as well as the wide (and iffy) range of internet services offered to people, it will be interesting to see how this project really works out for CCP. On the upside, the game has players without this service, so it may not matter all that much if it doesn't live up to player expectations.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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As a alpha player when I came out of long stint and knowing part of the code etc. sometime after the May 2003.launch, I felt I had to say my first game description of Eve Online and i stated in substance, it was a browser game and should be so. and here we are,
finally showing us what the games been all this time. :) winner...