ESA drops SOPA/PIPA support
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has just announced that it no longer supports the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) or the Protect IP Act (PIPA) which makes today a very exciting day.
Here is the ESA's full statement:
"From the beginning, ESA has been committed to the passage of balanced legislation to address the illegal theft of intellectual property found on foreign rogue sites. Although the need to address this pervasive threat to our industry's creative investment remains, concerns have been expressed about unintended consequences stemming from the current legislative proposals. Accordingly, we call upon Congress, the Obama Administration, and stakeholders to refocus their energies on producing a solution that effectively balances both creative and technology interests. As an industry of innovators and creators, we understand the importance of both technological innovation and content protection and are committed to working with all parties to encourage a balanced solution."
Source: ScrewAttack
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Allods Online will crack open a whole new book with the release of “Game of Gods” this February.
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The event isn't really "new content," it's more about just bonus rewards.
There's only two months left in the celebration after this gift.
The letter teases patches 7.2 and 7.3 as well as more Fan Fests.
The events will help players power up.
here is ACTA:
That said, it is now the 23 and no withdraw or official change in plans too vote on the bill..Looks like it is going to go down. However due too the sheer number of politicians coming out of the woodwork too get that extra vote for their next election I doubt it will pass unless one of major big wigs calls them out.
That being said, it falls on the industry to overcome the adversities and think outside the box. In gamer terms; government gave into the corporation's qq and nerfed difficulty, now corporations know if they qq hard enough, uncle Ben will swing his nerf bat.
Well let's just hope that SOPA/PIPA will die out for good, tho knowing how things seem to go... it's only going to last a few months before they vote it under the table and then we lose sites like MMObomb and youtube.
"We wanted to f*** you over, but that didn't work out so now we love you once more."