ESA drops SOPA/PIPA support

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has just announced that it no longer supports the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) or the Protect IP Act (PIPA) which makes today a very exciting day.

Here is the ESA's full statement:

"From the beginning, ESA has been committed to the passage of balanced legislation to address the illegal theft of intellectual property found on foreign rogue sites. Although the need to address this pervasive threat to our industry's creative investment remains, concerns have been expressed about unintended consequences stemming from the current legislative proposals. Accordingly, we call upon Congress, the Obama Administration, and stakeholders to refocus their energies on producing a solution that effectively balances both creative and technology interests. As an industry of innovators and creators, we understand the importance of both technological innovation and content protection and are committed to working with all parties to encourage a balanced solution."

Source: ScrewAttack

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Discussion (24)

thepitholl 13 years ago
SOPA is nothing compared to ACTA and ACTA is so full of shit that no one can believe it
here is ACTA:

SteamChaos 13 years ago
Delondial its not really coporations, its Hollywood that is putting the most into it. Media and movie industry is whats pouring stuff into this. IF you look major corporations are really only putting in less then 10%, while they compose almost 80% of the opposition funding. So don't go throwing it on corporations, look who the real issue.

That said, it is now the 23 and no withdraw or official change in plans too vote on the bill..Looks like it is going to go down. However due too the sheer number of politicians coming out of the woodwork too get that extra vote for their next election I doubt it will pass unless one of major big wigs calls them out.

Delondial 13 years ago
There are many scary bills that will likely never go away. It is really up to citizens to be somewhat politically alert (No, watching Fox doesn't count).

That being said, it falls on the industry to overcome the adversities and think outside the box. In gamer terms; government gave into the corporation's qq and nerfed difficulty, now corporations know if they qq hard enough, uncle Ben will swing his nerf bat.

SteamChaos 13 years ago
While this helps the cause, I feel its the "drop of support" is more too think it has gone away, SOPA is still on record and no official withdraw of hold of the vote is on record. Both are still listed as actively pending bills, with set dates that have yet to change.

2012 13 years ago
i just hope that the end of the world comes before that reinstate SOPA haha cuz life without a completely free internet is pretty much the same as "the end of the world" for me D:

Icez 13 years ago
Did you know that SOPA means soup in portuguese? and PIPA in portuguese is where the wine is stored ?

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Densle 13 years ago
The thing that really got me mad about SOPA was that the US thinks they can own the internet. Also this goes against their own amendment.The right to freedom of speech and expression one.

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ZaneLear 13 years ago
I have yet to read all of the comments posted, tho yes I think and feel the ESA is only going to withdraw for now untill they make all of their money off of this hoaxed pull out, then as soon as SOPA/PIPA come back they will stand by it's side once more and have the money to pay people off this time around.

Well let's just hope that SOPA/PIPA will die out for good, tho knowing how things seem to go... it's only going to last a few months before they vote it under the table and then we lose sites like MMObomb and youtube.

the6freak 13 years ago
Sounds like they're just doing what Go Daddy did to avoid losing business. When will they realize people are no longer willing to pay for things that don't exist physically and or ultimately useless luxury items that no one actually needs?

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zenyth 13 years ago
like SOPA and PIPA ever had a chance >.> I never been worried about this.

Dantiko 13 years ago
I dream on a gaming industry that is free, no one has to pay a cent for it, and it all depends on the player's skills, but no, they want to prevent piracy, now I ask, why? Prevent piracy is actually impossible at this point, if they want us to pay for their games, why don't they make games as awesome as Battlefield series, because I've never saw a Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Battlefield 3 game being pirated, and if it is, you can't play online, because those games, if a pirate decides to crack it's multiplayer, then it would go against all I believe for, piracy exists to establish a limit to the games that need to be F2P and the games that don't, paying $50 for a game like Battlefield 3 is good because of it's multiplayer, but paying for a game that we can't even play online and that is short and badly done, come on, then I am against SOPA.

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Me 13 years ago
Did u know that SOPA and PIPA in Greek means ''shout up and give me a blowjob''

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Magicman 13 years ago
I have mixed emotions on this one. For one I am VERY happy that the ESA withdrew their support but on the same token I fear it may have been done due to a combination of pressure and a threatened Presidential Veto. We will still have to watch this VERY closely as these issues are not "Dead" but postponed (probably until the next Congress is elected according to some reports). I worry that ESA support has been withdrawn in the wake of this current defeat and will again be supported in future incarnations by the ESA. Keep your voices being heard!

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Nox 13 years ago
I hate turncoats. If you take a stand then take a stand. Don't pull support after it failed and then pretend you "got wise". I didn't agree with their choice when they supported SOPA but at least I had respect for their choice, now I have nothing but disgust.

"We wanted to f*** you over, but that didn't work out so now we love you once more."

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