Epic Games Adds Private Eyes To Their Anti-Cheat Army

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

In their continued effort to put down cheaters in Fortnite, Epic games has reportedly hired private investigators. Their job? To locate cheaters the company couldn't find on their own and serve notice of impending legal action.

According to Torrent Freak, the most recent use of a PI has resulted in the discovery that Epic is suing yet another kid -- from North Carolina. Again, at the time of serving, they were not sure of the defendant's age. So, to be on the safe side they assumed he might be a minor and were correct. Both the defendant and his mother were served and Epic has asked the court to keep the minor's name under wraps.

This is the second known instance of Epic Games using a private investigator to locate a defendant. The other case also involves a minor, and again, both he and his mother were served. The mother reportedly wrote a letter in defense of her son but nothing else has been heard from them. In response, Epic has asked the court to rule a default on the part of the defendant.

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In this article: Fortnite, Epic Games.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (8)

NameGoesHere 7 years ago
Epic is going Epic.

I love how this company doesn't give a damn about going after Minors, anything cheat is a cheat, doesn't matter how old you are, if you know you're cheating, you are guilty.

Also, Fortnite now have a Streamer mode to prevent Streamers from getting Stream Sniped.

This company is already years ahead in development compared to other BR games.

___ ___ ___

BTW, the original reason why most companies doesn't go after cheaters, is because Blizzard Entertainment actually lost TWICE in court against cheaters/gold farmers. This demoralized rest of the gaming companies into thinking they can't do anything against cheaters but just waste money on courts.

ninetenduh 7 years ago
Meanwhile, Bluehole over there doesn't give a damn.

Joseph 7 years ago

Todoran 7 years ago
Good for them i hope they win the lawsuit ....

Kevin Flemming 7 years ago
If only other companies were so serious about getting rid of cheaters. The choice for amazing games would be much, much larger than it is now. So many games are ruined by cheating.

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