Elsword Releases A Magical, Mischievous New Job For Lithia

Everyone loves a magician.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Elsword Lithia 4th Job

Elsword’s Lithia fans have a new path to try out today. The character’s 4th job, Mischief, is a magician, but she’s a bit more than just a regular magician. While most use slight of hand and trickery, she uses Demon magic she picked up from her adoptive father Felix.

Lithia’s demon magic grants her some interesting skills, like the ability to launch a ghostly apparition at her enemies or drop a shroud of Mistrust on them. She can also knock out opponents by opening a box.

As the new path has dropped in the MMORPG, that means a new contract is available as well. While Lithia’s Contract is available, players can earn rewards like the Elrios Chick Costume Suit. They can also earn rewards from the special Stage Preparation event which will help with leveling Lithia’s 4th path.

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In this article: Elsword, KOG Games.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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