Elsword’s Raven Gets A Dark New 4th Path That Lets Him Destroy His Enemies From The Inside Out
Players can explore the new job path today.
Elsword’s Raven isn’t just a lonely swordsman seeking redemption anymore. He now seeks revenge against those who subjected him to mind control. To do this, he decides to destroy the Nasod arm using Alterasia. Okay, so he hasn’t exactly destroyed it, but is now using it in conjunction with Alterasia to access the new Valasia Seed system to plant the seeds of the dead into his enemies and destroy them from the inside out.
To give players the opportunity to try out Raven’s new job path, KOG Games is providing everyone with a free character slot, increasing the slot limit to 59. Players will also be offered rewards such as Sage’s Magic Stones to improve Raven’s equipment quickly.
As always, KOG is celebrating the launch of the new job with a series of events. Those wanting the extra character slot will need to log in between now and February 1 during the Raven 4th Path Special Event. Failing to do it by then will cause players to lose that slot. Between now and February 8th, players can take part in the Raven’s Pat of Revenge event, meeting specific conditions to earn marks that can be exchanged for rewards. During this time, the Wraith Knight on the Path of Revenge event will also be taking place, offering players even more rewards just for completing a chain quest. A list of rewards for both is available on the Elsword site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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