Elder Scrolls Online Update 7.2.0 Ends The Gates of Oblivion Story, Fixes Power Creep, And More
There’s new graphics tech as well.
It must be the day of covering dev streams because in addition to the XIV Live letter, we also have the ESO Live at Home stream. Admittedly, this one is a bit shorter, a more bite-sized hour and twenty minutes. It feels like it should be longer when taking a peek at the patch notes on the game’s forums, however. There are a lot of changes.
Of course, we won’t be covering every little change here. That way madness lies – especially when the devs already took the time to do that for us. But, we’ll assume some of you aren’t in this for every little detail and hit the obligatory high notes.
For those unfamiliar with this update, it will bring the Gates of Oblivion story to an end as players are called upon to halt Mehrunes and his followers’ schemes against Tamriel. This means visiting the mysterious city of Fargrave.
Of note among the lengthy list of changes in this update are a series of combat changes, including a Critical Damage and Healing cap of 125%, meaning that even if the value exceeds that number, Critical Strikes will never deal more damage than that in total. This change is part of an effort to negate power creep within the game. The idea is that it should fix the issue without punishing builds that aren’t suffering from the power creep in question.
The update also fixes an unexpected issue wherein the caster of an ability using new AoE tech would be dismounted when entering the area covered by that ability. There are also a few changes to the Champion system, tweaking Pain’s Refuge and Shield Master under Fitness, and Cutting Defense under Warfare.
Also worth a mention, for those of you that care about that sort of thing, is that Nvidia’s Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA) will debut in the update. This is similar to DLSS except that it runs at native resolution while implementing the extra edge-smoothing.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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