Elder Scrolls Online Talks Creating The Arcanist Class And Making It Stand Out From The Rest
The Arcanist is ESO's first new class since 2019.
When The Elder Scrolls Online devs began working on the new Arcanist class, they knew they wanted it to stand out from the rest of the classes in the MMORPG. Based on the feedback that's out there from those who have played the Arcansist, it sounds like they succeeded.
Today Elder Scrolls Online released another Necrom Preview article, this time focusing on the Arcanist, and what it brings to the table in ESO.
“We set out to create something new and unique that doesn’t look or play like any class we’ve made before,” explains Brian Wheeler, ESO’s Lead Combat Designer. “The Arcanist had to be different and not just a new coat of paint or a collection of ‘best hits’ from the game’s other classes.”
At the same time, the team wanted the Arcanist to appeal to both new players and veterans. It was also important that the Arcanist be able to play multiple roles within The Elder Scrolls Online.
“The ability to perform any role using its own skills helps provide for a cohesive class experience,” explains Wheeler. “Whether you’re taking damage or dishing it out, the FX, audio, and animations all feel like they’re part of the same suite. This keeps the fantasy of playing an Arcanist intact without breaking up the visuals and overall vibe by over-relying on other abilities from other skill lines.”
The real question here is will the Arcanist outshine the rest of the classes in The Elder Scrolls Online too brightly? Could this bring about a sort of revamp for the original classes in the game following the same development guidelines? We'll know the answer to at least the former question once Necrom comes to The Elder Scrolls Online on June 5th for PC and June 20th for consoles.
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Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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