Elder Scrolls Online Previews The Second New Dungeon, Bedlam Veil, Coming In The Scions Of Ithelia Dungeon DLC
The update arrives March 11th for PC and March 26th for PlayStation.
The new dungeon DLC, Scions of Ithelia, is right around the corner and The Elder Scrolls Online has dropped a new preview detailing what you can expect in the second of the new dungeons, Belam Veil.
The Belam Veil in ESO has been invaded by a cult known as the Blind Path, and your assistance is needed to protect a powerful relic.
“Think of it [Bedlam Veil] as a sort of storehouse where Fa-Nuit-Hen keeps treasures, memories, and all the unused materials of creation that do not make an appearance in the arenas,” explains Helena Wachhaus one of ESO’s Writer-Designers. “It isn’t visited very frequently, so Fa-Nuit-Hen’s interest is piqued when a cult known as the Blind Path starts rooting around in there, and they need capable warriors to help them stop the cult from getting what they want.”
The Bedlam Veil dungeon in the MMORPG will also introduce elements that lead into the upcoming Gold Road Chapter DLC coming to ESO in June.
Rewards in Bedlam Veil include a new monster mask and three unique item sets, one for each weight. The Blind Path Induction set boosts your damage shields and helaing depending on your distance from the target.
“For the healer who adapts to any situation, Blind Path Induction will fit you like a glove,” says Nadav Pechthold, one of ESO’s combat designers. “While keeping distance from your allies, they will receive stronger healing from you, but while close, you will both benefit from tougher Damage Shields. Stay close to prevent damage and fall back to save your team from the brink!”
It sounds like a very interesting and unique set coming to The Elder Scrolls Online, one that our resident ESO healer Magickmann might be interested in.
You can check out the full dungeon preview over on The Elder Scrolls Online site.
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Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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