You'll Have To Work Together As Elder Scrolls Online’s Bounties Of Blackwood Event Begins September 30
Be prepared to work together if you want those sweet rewards.
On Thursday, September 30, the Bounties of Blackwood event will kick off in Elder Scrolls Online. This isn’t one of those events that players can just go at alone. No, this one is intended to get people working together. The event, which lasts until October 12, requires players to collectively unlock the Blackwood Pathfinder achievement by visiting six specific locations in the zone.
Each day, the devs will update a meter on the Bounties of Blackwood page with player progress. It’s this progress that will earn all players rewards based on how much progress they’ve managed to achieve together. These rewards include a Pellucid Swamp Jelly pet for reaching 33%, the Shadows of Blackwood markings at 66%, and a cascading bounty box at 100%. The box offers a chance to obtain items like Undaunted Plunder, materials, items sets, and more. There will also be a mystery prize for achieving the 100% mark that will be revealed during the Gates of Oblivion Year-End Stream.
Prizes will be unlocked on the Crown Store when the meter either hits the 100% mark or the event comes to an end.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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