Test Your Luck And Earn Rewards During SWTOR’s Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event
Get lucky on the Emperor’s Grace Machines.
It’s time to enjoy Nar Shaddaa’s nightlife in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Nar Shadda Nightlife event kicked off in the MMORPG today, offering players a whole list of rewards to earn. Among the featured items are the High Stakes Squadron Helmet, the High Roller Skiff Mount, the High Roller Armor Set, and more.
To obtain these items, which also include stronghold decorations, pets, and other goodies, players will need to try their hand at the Emperor’s Grace Machines. These are found in the main areas of the Star Cluster and Club Vertica Casinos. Players who have taken part in this event before will want to note that adjustments have been made to how the machines work. The devs have also tweaked the Lucky and Good Karma buffs.
One immediate change players will notice is that the machines on Nar Shaddaa have been “modernized”. These visual changes affect not just the machines on the planet and in the Nightlife event, but also the ones players have in their Strongholds.
The event will last for six weeks so you should have plenty of time to get those rewards. More details are available on the SWTOR site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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