Dragon's Prophet EU Giving Guilds a Chance to Claim Their Own Floating Island
Dragon's Prophet has mountable flying dragons and you know what other MMO had flying mountable dragons? WoW and you know what that means...WoW clone! But beyond that obviously overly gross generalization, Dragon's Prophet does indeed allow players to fly around on mountable flying dragons. I preface dragons with flying because Dragon's Prophet is known for having dragons that well, aren't what we would technically define as "dragons" and thus don't all posses the ability to fly.
Nonetheless, what this all is really about is the floating islands in Dragon's Prophet. The ones that require flying mounts to reach and grant the explorer their very own home on a floating island. Europe based developer-turned-published Infernum is giving one guild the chance to pull their own rendition of Howl's Moving Castle and secure several islands (I counted 10) including one with a large mansion for the Guild Leader. To be eligible to win you must and I quote "in a nutshell" explain why your guild should get access to the closed beta. Afterwards you will need to invite 10 guild members to qualify.
These houses aren't just for looks though. The developers have stated that in the future these islands will be used as the backdrop for PvP battles where guilds will vie for territory control.
Even if you think your guild's chance at winning is slim to none it may be worthline to do so anyways. All registered guilds will score early access to the closed beta and 30 days of Enjin premium, whatever that is.
If you don't have a guild and would still like to try Dragon's Prophet sooner rather than later you may be able to snag some time this coming Wednesday April 24th from 17:00 until 22:00 CEST. Full details can be found here.
If you want to sign up your guild you can visit the signup page here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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