Dragon Nest EU Launches... Finally

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Eighteen months after the release of the North American version, the European version of Dragon Nest has officially launched. Following a successful closed beta, eFusion gave the acrobatic action MMO the green light go ahead today while upholding their promise of no character wipes if the game reached 8,000 concurrent users during the CBT, which it did.

eFusion is currently hosting several kick-off events in-game at the moment, including a chance to win a MINI Cooper Roadster. Mind you that is not an in-game MINI Cooper, but an actual real life automobile. To be eligible to win, a player must invite at least 5 friends into Dragon Nest EU and collect more than 50 MINI Cooper Keys in-game. I find the fact that you need to collect keys to an automobile in-game quite hilarious, given the fact that Dragon Nest is set during a time period without cars. It's a Cooper from the future!

More rewards are also scheduled for the whole month of March including a special in-game pet to be given out during the weekend. More details regarding the kick-off events can be found on the game's official site here.

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In this article: Dragon Nest.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (18)

rezaa 11 years ago
I've played this game for two weeks, but I don't like the task map is only in the US golden time. I still prefer Age of Wushu, which is far more interesting than this one.

zhengf 11 years ago
It's awesome. I recommend you guys to play. It's just like Age of Wushu!

Cacalips 12 years ago
To bad all the EU community interested is playing SEO version. I never lagged there or had problems and max char.

I like this game better than C9 and Vindictus because it is more involving and doest require as much grind as the others, but there is a grind. Vindictus gets right into the grind first levels and is limited. In Dragon nest you move around allot more and see more things...

MY big problem is the crap anime style. I hate that shit. And yes I hated it all the way to max level, not one point was I like "oh that looks cool"...some bigger bosses and most monsters not to bad, and they are what I liked, the characters though, killed the story cut scenes, seriousness, and over all theme of the game. It does not read of feel like an anime game, yet there the stupid characters are...all ugly and anime pedohpile material.

My next problem is the designers are pure shit. They have a great title and platform to work with and destroy it. Let me give you an example of a big expansion they came out with:
You zone in the dungeon and there is a fountain in the middle of the small round map. You have to protect it as waves of all the recycled monsters zone in through portals. Ok...then between waves a duck walks around, and to replenish the HP bar of the fountain from damage it may have took, you have to whak the duck...WTF??? does that sound stupid and lazy? Becuase it is stupid and lazy. And that is Dragons Nest.

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Adrian87 12 years ago
I started the launcher... all good until i saw i have to install Pando Media Booster... I canceled it.

Next day i was bored. Started launcher again. Agreed for Pando Media Booster(i hate that program more then anything). Pando gave me a error, cannot install. Tried to go to the Pando site for download. Site down. Best solution was clear: Shift+Delete. Bye Dragon Nest.

But i remember seeing some videos of it, i don't think i would have like it much anyway.

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ugurano 12 years ago
c9 or vindictus better of this crap game draggon nest.

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iluvgamez 12 years ago
I dont agree. I also have alot of fun playing alone. Its awsome to pwn a dungeon on the hardest difficult alone.

SpankMe 12 years ago
Hi Guys if your looking for Friends pm me ign is SpankMe i got a whole bunch of friends in my guild very active so pm me =)

ZhaoYun 12 years ago

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