DK Online Moves Into "Closed" Beta

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

In news that sort of snuck up on everyone, DK Online, yet another new MMORPG from Aeria Games, has moved into closed beta today.

DK Online, has been touted as a PvP oriented MMO, with huge PvP battles, and castle siege warfare, where you assault enemy castles to claim them and their respective territory for your guild. These battles can involve up to 25 attacking guilds against 5 defending guilds, and can last up to an hour and a half before a victor is declared. That is some pretty intense PKing.

DK Online seems to be using the same closed-but-not-really beta style used for Born to Fire, whereby anyone and everyone can join the closed beta without a beta key. This may be due to the industry becoming accustomed to calling the "release" phase of a game an open beta. So while DK Online is open to the public, it's subject to wipes and closing at any time. Great Scott I think I've got it!

You can try out DK Online by heading over to the official site now.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: DK Online.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

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TheAuger 12 years ago
They game is just "meh". I played it for 1-2 hours last night and didn't enjoy it.

DK is an average game with average classes.


qroxta 12 years ago
mass pvp castle siege? kal-online's greatest feature has finally a successor, my prayers have been heard

Piros 12 years ago
This game is so... average

spyhard420 12 years ago
This game is okay i like the story and game play

Lord of Cinder 12 years ago
I find it funny that aeria games banned me due to violation of ToS (I guess for hacking, or thats what they said but thats my bro;so i get blamed) and yet they continue sending me emails talking about DK and how i got into the beta. XD wtf aeria really?

DesertFox 12 years ago
Stopped reading after Aeria Games

70calories 12 years ago
It's alright not the best thing out there but it is worth a try

Chris 12 years ago
I thought it was actually pretty good. Want to play more but don't like going hard in CB's.

SinkR 12 years ago
I saw the trailer of it and was impressed and decided to download it then up till when i look down here in the comment section full of bad impressions, now I don't feel like trying this game, probably a waste of time.....thx you guys.....i think

Tio_Z/frealms 12 years ago
Aeria games...had to take a break and soak up that info first...

Don't think I'll give it a try unless I see some very enticing gameplay videos. Just can't drive myself to try another one of their titles out of my own volition anymore.

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Eviil 12 years ago
Giving it a shot, although I rather stay away from AG.

BrandNewDaddy 12 years ago
I am sorry this so reminds me of Rappelz, but slightly better graphics, I wont be making the mistake of playing this, looking forward to a new generation of online gaming to continue forth, like an open world Vindictus. that would be awesome! no more point and click pieces of shit(an no adding WASD for movement does not make it a real third person action mmorpg) all these kids who think if they combo keys 2, 5, and 9 with F5 will create an awesome combo, only to find that their dice rolling system fails them.

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ME 12 years ago

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Zonitron 12 years ago
This game is so incredibly bad ! All the way from graphics to go and kill 10 boars quests over and over but just with different monsters

Mgamer 12 years ago
looks like Tera and aion put together...thats my POV.

Snowmonkey 12 years ago
First!!!!!.......... :(

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