The Division Heartland Details Leaked

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

We've made guesses about what kind of game Ubisoft's The Division Heartland will be, but there have been no gameplay details revealed about it since its surprise announcement last week. As often happens in these situations, however, someone couldn't sit on all that juicy classified information.

A brief video has surfaced of Lead Game Designer Taylor Epperly informing potential testers of what to expect in the game, while also letting them know that the whole thing is under NDA. That didn't matter to at least one person, however, who leaked the video, and now the entire internet knows. Or could know, if they cared to look for it.

Since it's already out there, and other news sites are reporting on it, we thought we might as well provide to you the information presented in the video as well. We're not going to link to the Twitter account that we got it from -- no need to give that person extra exposure -- or even the video itself, but here's a full transcript of Epperly's words. Obviously, if you'd rather be surprised by Ubisoft's official reveal, don't keep reading.


Hello, and welcome. You're about to play a whole new Division experience.

In this free-to-play open world survival action shooter, we move from the big cities to a small town American city called Silver Creek. You'll come to know Silver Creek and its mysterious story through a co-op PvE mode called Expedition. Then, once prepared, you'll hop into a 45-player, PvEvP mode called Storm.

Both modes will have you scavenging, exploring, looting, fighting, and surviving, all while avoiding the most aggressive and unpredictable virus contamination the Division has ever seen.

The team feels that we have something really exciting, but in order to make it the best game possible, we need your unfiltered feedback. Your feedback is crucial to delivering the best experience possible at launch. To that end, we'll be sending you a short survey during the test.

Additionally, we sent you a link to our closed player forum. There, you can provide initial feedback and get the latest updates on the test from the community and development teams.

Now, finally, remember that you're a part of a very limited group of players that are under NDA. Avoid sharing any information, including what you see in this tech test. The team will be monitoring the web for leaks throughout the test. Please don't be the one who ruins the surprise for the larger Division community, and thank you so much for helping us make this game.

I'll see you in Silver Creek.

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In this article: Ubisoft, The Division Heartland.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (4)

ninetenduh 3 years ago
Mhhh it is as some predicted, a Survival remake of Division 1, but unfortunately for Ubisoft they are years too late, they should have made the mode standalone from day one and market it because it had so much more potential than anything out there because it was actually challenging to play and had a PvE and PvPvE mode, solo and team, right from the start.

Unfortunately, division Heartland comes after the by now failed Division 2, barely anyone is interested in a Standalone any more, especially since it doesn't feature different weather types like the much favoured snow.

I'd say Heartland will have a dedicated community, but probably less than a 1000 of them a month after release.

Cloak 3 years ago
Yawn* New fab that isnt really new. Pvpve.

I've been saying this for the last 2 months. Now let's see which clone of many clones takes the top.

Dumbledalf 3 years ago
Sounds like something in the sense of more Battle Royale. This thing is destroying the shooter genre. Enough with the gigantic empty maps scavenging for gear and enemies, there needs to be a return to classics like Counter-Strike and Call of Duty and the Korean competitive mixtures between both.

Guza 3 years ago
Scavengers 2 already? XD

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