Difficult Times at Gamania/Beanfun!

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

The bad news continues for struggling game company Gamania. Earlier this year, Gamania went through a few rounds of layoffs and fought off an alleged hostile take over attempt by Nexon who was buying up shares of Gamania fast enough to attract the attention of the Fair Trade Commission (FTC). Well the news for Gamania is not about to get any better. Recently the company's Beanfun! label posted this sad news on their forums:

"This week we regret to announce that we will be closing down all of our servers by January 13th, 2013. We have been able to grow together and share in some great times, and watch as you guys grew into a community of gamers we are proud to call our own. It is time to renew our contracts with PlayCoo and sadly we aren’t able to continue hosting these wonderful games. This decision happened very quickly and we wish we could give you more time, but unfortunately could not.

Web Koihime Musou servers will close down on December 31st, 2012, while Divina and Lucent Heart will remain open until January 13th, 2013, when we will shut down all operations. At this time we’ve turned off the beanpoint shop so you will not be able to purchase anymore more beanpoints, and our Item Malls will be closing very soon. While we cannot offer compensation for items that were purchased, we are looking into some sort of compensation for any player who still has beanpoints left on their account. Also our Customer Support Department will remain active until January 31st, 2013, so you can still contact them if you have any questions or issues.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the games as much as we’ve enjoyed supporting them and this great community. Thank you for playing! <3"

While this is certainly sad news for current players of Gamania titles, it also cast a shadow over anticipated future titles such as Core Blaze. The negotiations with PlayCoo and the company's report of a net loss in the second financial quarter of this year seem to have been too much for Gamania to overcome. Will other companies move in to pick up the pieces on some games? Will Nexon finally take over some titles? A great deal has yet to be determined but fans of Gamania/beanfun! titles should jump in now as the window of play time is, sadly, closing very quickly.

What do you think? Should some of Gamania's games survive and move to a different company? What company would you like to see take over some titles?

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

Discussion (55)

anip 10 years ago
super long time reply

But I just found out

Langrisser Schwarz and Dream Drops was cancelled and it's not being worked on anymore.

I have no idea about Tiara Concerto tho, think only the Japanese version is there, but they're not planing to publish it in any other languages.

inkie pie 11 years ago
ok so im way late to the game but id prefer areiagames take some games they've always had great customer service at least from my experience. their item malls can get a tad bit pricey but you do get what you pay for in it. and they arnt a company afraid of taking risks they've had games they took a chance on that bombed but they also had games that were a great success. i personaly dont like nexon much cuz their games tend to be item mall dependent. not saying they are all bad theyve got some good games but if i had to choose from nexon gepotato or areiagames id pick areiagames

nexon-gamania-mediator 11 years ago
I like some games that nexon makes/buys, but i also hate how they deal with customers. They're rich, only care about making more money, and any non-playing player is just another "nothing". Heck, for all that I know, even some loyal paying customers aren't even getting responses from their tickets. I played Dragon Nest (still do), quit maple (because of it's overly pay2win style), and rarely combat arms. I liked Lucent heart because it was similar to dragon nest - there was no pay2win concept, and everything relied on the game currency, not US currency.

I really do wish the Gamania team is able to regroup and make more games, and that Nexon would just go to hell.

GamerGuy 12 years ago
Yea..... If Nexon is gonna buy those games.... You might as well quit cause Nexon has the worse customer service ever. Their GMs are fken lazy as hell. Played Mabinogi for 5 years. The game gotten real laggy over the years. If you were to ever send them a ticket due to whatever happens within game. They'll just close the ticket and say fk you and fk off. Many people has quitted cause of this and moved on to different games from other companies.... I'm also one of the ex-players of Mabinogi. NA Nexon is a rich bullshit company.

amakusa 12 years ago
oh god no!!!!! if nexon takes over the games of beanfun i won't be albe to play the games anymore due to their ip block. Crap!! please, companies worldwide take beanfun games plz. (I have no hate for nexon and services regarding their games, i talk a lot with them and are really nice people, just the ip block bug me unfortunately)----(just when i wanted to go back to lucent heart T_T)

DisillusionedPlayer 12 years ago
Whatever that happened, it did and it sucks. LH community, no matter what many people say, was a crappy community on a more personal level and too much drama and people that want to be idiots and screw around or just be disgusting underaged *****. Divina was some relief but it got boring after awhile when it's the same thing over and over.

I'd rather hear more news of whatever is going to happen to the games many looked forward to and play to experience that game. Hopefully a descent one but I'll put up with Nexon unless they F it up. I don't see PWI picking up anything largely cute that isn't another micro clone of PW.

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Inflictious 12 years ago
What do you think? Should some of Gamania’s games survive and move to a different company? What company would you like to see take over some titles?

On topic but not a responce to just thier game's.

Lucent heart has been around for a few years ( around 2 )

Game's that have been out less than a year are getting shut down and we seen Alot of this in this past year.
This is a reason why f2p will not be the future of gaming!

Not even a AAA game will last when everyone starts doing it, As this happens more frequently.How many players will stop using Item Malls , Knowing that within 2 years thier game will shut down.
Company's will start seeing less and less money. No Cash No Game.
Whats the point of making a f2p when you know your not going to get much in return?


Company's will all start charging a site fee, wether it be 5$ a month to play any of thier f2p game's , but then are thier game's still free than?

Old saying :To much of a good thing can be bad



XXChromo 12 years ago
Well, this reminds me of when Shin Megami Tensei moved from aeria. Everyone talks so much smack about aeria games, but that game had the best GM community, of any game I've ever played. every other day they were in the game doing events and giving out prizes and stuff. Was really fun. Atlus sucks though.

Kirafirefly 12 years ago
Well I know aeria games is picking up a french version of Divina...soo

ugurano 12 years ago
wayne xD

Mage 12 years ago
it will happen more so with Gamania U.S.?

DC 12 years ago
They won't shut down the company, they will "just" shut down some games. Core Blaze will be released, don't worry guys. (i asked on their official facebook and they said that)

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hovsep 12 years ago
no core blaze? F** YOU NEXON!!!

Tomo 12 years ago
all of Beanfun and gamania games should NOT be lost! move them to other companys! they werent mayby the bestest games but they were good enough!
Fking nexon... played sometime Mabinogi and then spotted "what? half of my bank is closed and i cannot retrieve stuff from there and the costume slots are locked too! now i need to keep shitty looking armor &gt;:E"
but really, move those games. they need to survive! THEY NEED TO SURVIVE!

revertroo 12 years ago
Oh Hell No! Was looking forward to Core Blaze, Tiara Concerto and Langrisser Schwarz and now this happens ugh. Well its such a pity really, Beanfun had one hell of a great community unlike others in my experience, the GMs and moderators were the bomb too. They forever have my utmost respect.
Just wanna get this off my chest a bit. F**K YOU NEXON!

nexthazard 12 years ago
so thats why Nexon Eu has a Gamania Login XD

RenTheRose 12 years ago
-Lucent Heart (best community in a game ever)

was a game i played for years i will be very sad to watch them take it down it wont ever be the same with out the careing gm's that kept it alive and fun i will pray for Gamania employes to find a good company to settle in becuse of how mutch fun they made the games for me i am rilly sad that they cant hold the company and help they sue nexon becuse nexon an pwi need to get kicked out of gameing for a while.

LordofCinder 12 years ago
Sad to hear a company go down it was sorta imminent I mean their games really did nothing new or special to separate them from the rest. Hopefully Core blaze and the other games will get picked up by another company and be released.

Anubu 12 years ago
Nexon is going to be the Walmart of the MMO Industry.

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anip 12 years ago
wait... so are they still making Core Blaze, Langrisser Schwarz, Dream Drops and Tiara Concerto?

I was personally very interested in Langrisser Schwarz, Dream Drops and Tiara Concerto...

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OVERSATURATION.. 12 years ago
It's simple guys.. Over-saturation.. There's just too many games and not enough players to fill them.. You guys may find these games stupid dumb and pointless, but there's an audience.. Not everyone is a mainstream sheep consumer that flocks to "high profile" and over-hyped releases.. I don't think the MMO fan base is growing as it did during the golden age of WoW.. People are actually starting to move away from it all now..

The pace has slowed down considerably and games will die, but this is what's needed for the industry to keep from going away completely. As sad as it may sound, we are going to need more games to shutdown in order to establish some kind of value to the genre.. Just as sadly though, most of the most OBVIOUS asian money grab games stay open with a &lt;100 playerbase, just to fill space..

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Murilo 12 years ago
this is so sad =/

yeah, their games were nothing but standard mmos, but they had an excellent community and staff... not to mention many great games coming, like Core Blaze, Langrisser Schwarz, Dream Drops and Tiara Concerto

man, that was a sad news, and even worse if Nexon buy their games

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Longtimegamer 12 years ago
saw this coming. next is gpotato and gamigo 2 companies that run games into the ground and cancel them a lot.

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Extasist 12 years ago
Core Blaze and Langrisser Schwarz looks somewhat nice other games... animish rubbish, on these days you wont survive with outdated graphics and good gameplay, somewhat i think its now hack &amp; slash era, point and click is outdated the best one was for me at least Lineage2.

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Takerukun3 12 years ago
Because Nexon and PWI are the spearheads of the grindy mindless wallet raping model of play.

GameboyKnight 12 years ago
Well that sucks and really angers me. I've been playing with Beanfun! since they launched Hero108 and was there for Lucent Heart's Sneak Peeks and then the birth of the EU Branch. Lucent Heart and Soul Captor were very grindy games and games like that are hard for someone who solos(like myself). But regardless, I played because of the customer service and interactions you were getting from the GMs and everyone. They were the most respectful, honest, and caring group of people I have ever seen work for a gaming company. Most specifically Tiramisu, Mochi, and CoffeeCake were memorable people and it's a little unnerving that they are out of a job now. No matter what had happened, Beanfun's crew even on the tech support side was very respectful and caring.

Then I go to a company like Nexon, Aeria, or Funcom, where they are charging my payments thrice, or declining payments, terminating services and not giving two damns about anything. Terrible customer service and just terrible people. And they prosper.

Gamania's motto was to "Have a good game!" They wanted everyone to enjoy some type of gameplay and they picked the best team ever. Gamania also worked with me and allowed me to compose music for Lucent Heart that made it into their game. Just a normal player that they confronted and asked if I would like to compose. They made a dream come true! They really did. I am so grateful for that company and pray that everyone that was involved with it may find new jobs elsewhere and keep positive.


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Holy Demon V 12 years ago
ya know what Divina was great lh not so much, as for divina being too grindy ur an asshat ff11 was too grindy it was only grind based exp. Beanfun was a decent if not willing to cater company they did their best and Divina was the mantle piece of the company's gaming seems many ppl these days have no taste in storylines and game quality, so game companies of such high quality don't get the credit they deserve. I salute Beanfun for thier commendable efforts to the very end.

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MelonCider 12 years ago
I have really high hopes for Core Blaze, I can't wait to play it. As I did play Divina, it was too grindy for my taste. The other games the company released I wasn't interested in.

NEXONhater 12 years ago
f^ck nexon...as i was planning to play COre Blaze..that jealous company....aarrghhh...i was a fan of Nexon until this happened..why destroy another great game company you bunch of lazies!!!!

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Kawaiido 12 years ago
No sympathy.

-Lucent Heart is crap.
-Divina is crap
-The games are overly grindy
-They do nothing new
-Item mall too pricey


kkkk 12 years ago
its survival of the fittest, stop releasing crap games, and make quality ones

jiong 12 years ago
noob. the correct term is...MOUNTED!!!

mike 12 years ago
First! :D

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