Diablo Immortal Improves Battle Pass Rewards, Punishes Queue Dodgers In PvP, & Paragon Point Changes
There's a ton going into the next Diablo Immortal update.
The next update for Diablo Immortal is dropping some big improvements to the game. Improving PvP queues, Paragon Point changes, and limited-time events.
For starters, PvP queue dodgers will now be given a warning that repeated cancellations at the match found screen will result in a 5-minute period of being unable to queue, addressing player complaints of trolls queue dodging over and over again. PvP matchmaking has also been improved to create more evenly-matched teams more often.
The 7-day cooldown for resetting Paragon Points is gone, now players will be able to swap around their Paragon Points at will.
Empowered and Collector's Battle Pass (premium tracks) rewards have been improved. Ranks 5 and 35 will now reward 3 normal gems each, while the Seled's Awakening One-star Legendary Gem has been removed from Ranks 5, 20, and 35, and has been replaced by a Fervent Fang Two-star Legendary Gem. Collector's Empowered Battle Pass owners will also earn Battle Archive Coins as they rank up each season and these can be exchanged for Legendary Gems, armor cosmetics, portal cosmetics, and more from previous Battle Pass Seasons.
Limited-time events include the Shady Stock event and the Into the Dark Wood event. Shady Stock brings players the ability to run daily Tasks for Yakin to earn Shady Tokens which can be used to purchase from Yakin's inventory. The Into the Dark Wood event unlocks various milestone rewards for doing daily tasks. Shady Stock runs from April 12-19 and Into the Dark Wood runs from April 19-27.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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