Destiny 2’s The Dawning Festival Introduces A New Bake-Off Event
Bake weekly cookie recipes to earn rare items.
Today, The Dawning Festival returns to Destiny 2, bringing winter shenanigans to the shooter game. Once again, Eva Levante can be found in the Tower. There, players can take part in some aggressive snowball fights or, if they’re feeling a bit more mellow, bake some cookies.
As always, Eva will oversee various activities and challenges, helping players fill out an Event Card filled with rewards. These include the new Frost Dragon Shell Exotic Ghost. Players can even pick up a new Astra Stasis Drake set and become frost dragons – or a sort. Yes, there are new weapons too, including freshly updated Dawning weapons.
As for the baking mentioned earlier, the Dawning Bake-Off is a new event with special rewards. Players can earn three new emblems hidden exclusively inside A Gift in Return Packages by baking cookie recipes. The recipes change weekly and baking them contributes to community-wide progress that will drop the emblems’ drop rates. More details on the bake-off are available in the last This Week in Destiny blog post.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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