Death to Ming!: Perfect World Announces Martial Arts MMORPG Swordsman

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Perfect World Entertainment has announced their upcoming MMORPG Swordsman, a martial arts based fantasy based off the famed Wuxia novels Louis Cha. This Eastern inspired MMO features ten different unique fighting styles, all shown off by their new Angelica III engine.

GM of Publishing, Andrew Brown, is excited to have the East meet West, stating “Bringing Swordsman to a Western audience is something we’ve wanted to do all along. With its rich story and engaging gameplay, Swordsman is a cultivation of our previous and successful titles we’ve brought over from our parent company Perfect World Inc. We’re currently in an alpha testing phase and the game simply looks amazing. We look forward to bringing it in to closed beta to give players the chance to check it out for themselves, so stay tuned!”

Within the era of the Ming Dynasty, players will explore the world of martial arts as a member of one of the ten class-defining martial arts schools, attempting to master legendary fighting skills for defeating rival schools and the Ming government.

More information and sign ups for Closed Beta can be found here.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (39)

Karnaij 11 years ago
annndddd I will play the chick with the fking cone head lmfao RIPPED A BOAT IN 2 WITH RIBBONS gg op

RaiZu 11 years ago
Oh god. Not even the cinematic has any sense of weight or speed. Fells like everything is paper. Can image now terrible gameplay is gonna be

LordHikaru 11 years ago
>_> I swear this game looked nicer a few years back when they first announce the development of the game. Unless I completely missed something back then lol.

ZhaoYun 11 years ago
i reaaaaaaaally hope i am wrong on this one but i think its gonna be another p2w game i mean is pefect world no offense to you people who like perfect world but its true pwe is usually p2w unfortunatelly i just hope i am wrong nothing much to say about the game i mean we've seen it before the trailer is usually 100 times better than the actual game so ye i am holding back any thoughs about this game untill i see a gameplay video

Kess 11 years ago
PWI has so much money coming out of their ears that now they're practically shitting out games left and right. I dread what monstrosity this turns out to be.

GamingMaster 11 years ago
Don't they already have a martial arts game? like Jade Dynasty??? can't these people come up with something new?

How about Greek mythology? we have a very in depth mythology :)

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dreamwave 11 years ago
every time perfect world releases another shovelware mmorpg i'm reminded why i'm glad i got over the genre long ago

Chinese gamer 11 years ago
Finding a true Martial Art game?please check Master of the Meteor Blades.
I think it is far far better than other Chinese junk

zac 11 years ago
Pfft I'm just waiting for wildstar

Scal 11 years ago
GREAT another perfect world game's maybe if they worked on the 1's they already had id actually be interested

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dumb 11 years ago
there is no links lol at least put some working links instead of trolling us like this lol

Vanquish 11 years ago
So Perfect World Entertainment are making their own 9Dragons with their bunch of fighting skills. Might be nice, I guess I could give this one a shot.

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thetrue 11 years ago
its not like i dont like martial arts its just like i dont like all the other stuff that comes with it when its on mmos,music its bored ,when i say junk chinese games its in general amm most of the mmos created on china use that kind of music, those kind of tiger/dragon things and idk i feel like,, its gonna be to simple, i dont think they implement some combat system that its not outdated.and im almost sure the enemys will be probably some generic chinese guys with yellow clothes and ballet shoes like they always are.thats the issue chinese culture its "ok" but for games its like "generic" nothing impresive nothing that makes u want to roll play your character,look what the japanese do with games like final fantasy 14 they give you a great story ,a big customization system with the clothes and stuff and the music makes you to enjoy the game.

demirian 11 years ago
Geez.. some of your guys are really greedy gamers ! Martila Art mmo game it's perfect ! And when you saying about " more chinese junk, boring, again ma" and ect.. Tell me now any Martial Art game you know ? I mean any GOOD Martial Art MMO game ! I know only 1 - 9Dragons ! When 9dragons came out first time it was just "WOOOW" but now 9dragons really outdated.. Age of Wushu - Boring Farmer game,,,, and really bad animations for 2012-13 year... so i really wanna see what bring this game to us ! Hope it will be nice Martial Art MMO !

But when i look Trailer it's look kinda outdated.. Facial animations, graphic and ect but let us see how look gameplay.

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Nope. 11 years ago
I'd rather see actual gameplay, if they put the time and effort they used to make the Cinematic then they would actually be able to show gameplay..

Sil 11 years ago
Seems that they put more effort into their cinematics rather than theyre actual games lol

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thetrue 11 years ago
aww cr4p.. more chinese junk,i hate those games cuz it always comes with bored chinese music and chinese characters like if i want to look like an asian at least make it anime style not china town style

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Jokul 11 years ago
Another martial arts MMO by Perfect World, who would have thunked it?

takerukun 11 years ago
hmm all links take me back to mmobomb. why is this?

tolshortte 11 years ago
the closed beta sign up link doesn't work for me.

Shrackx 11 years ago
reminds me of age of wushu. might as well sign up for beta just in case it is good.

tolshortte 11 years ago
PW will have a premium currency. but It will be obtainable by playing. youll probably mine for it. STO is a good example of the likely payment model. and it isn't really p2w. its very borderline, but considering you can farm it on multiple accounts, sell it, mail the ingame currency to whoever you want, then rebuy it its workable.

PW makes good games usually. im not their #1 fan by any means, but I do recognize their ability. I would suspect that this game will be good.

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extasist 11 years ago
looks like another pile of shit

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Marvin 11 years ago
I've always liked Martial Arts MMORPGs with those historic feels to it,unfortunatly theres not many which are published in the West and those that are published are now outdated or P2W,I just hope perfectworld doesn't fck this one up with insane cash-shops and founder packs looking forward to this one.

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