Dauntless Update Addresses The Problems With Repeaters
Simpler crafting and improved camera options.
Sometimes, when developers create a mechanic in-game that they think will be unique and fun, they end up with something that’s less appealing to players when working as intended. In the case of Dauntless, one such mechanic, or series of mechanics, revolves around the first ranged weapon in the game: the Repeater.
When Phoenix Labs created the Repeater, they intended for it to test the players a bit while crafting it, but also for it to have a “universal appeal,” thanks to how the crafting system worked. As it turned out, the extensive, customizable Repeater crafting system made it more complicated than other weapons while limiting things like unique effects and cell slots.
The weapon has other issues, not related to crafting as well, one of them being that the weapon relies on camera angles in the aiming process, something that doesn’t really work when players can’t change the camera’s field of view.
The good news is, Phoenix Labs recognized these issues and their latest update addresses them. First, they’ve simplified crafting. Now, creating repeaters is the same as it is with any other weapon. Rather than crafting individual pieces and swapping them in and out, players will just craft one whole weapon. That said, players will be able to fine-tune their repeaters using parts and resources. The overhaul also introduces new effects and cosmetic designs.
As for the camera issue, the Dauntless team has improved FOV and added new option sliders for the aim mode. These can all be changed independently from the main camera, so players have more control.
The Repeater refresh is available today, as part of the 1.7.3 update.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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