Dauntless Founder's Packs Announced
Founder's packs are now available for Phoenix Labs' action RPG Dauntless. The packs are available in three different tiers, each offering an increasingly bigger selection of goodies. (The one thing they all have in common is access to the game's Closed Beta.)
The packs range in price from $39.99 to $79.99 (discounted from $99.99) and consist of the following:
- Closed Beta Access: Closed Beta will begin this summer and run until Open Beta. Slayer inventories and stats will be wiped before Open Beta.
- Champion Status (90 Days)
- Slayer Pack: Potions and other consumables to help you jump-start.
- In-Game Title & Forum Icon
- Founder’s Flare: A stylized item used to communicate with other slayers.
Hero -- Includes Slayer Tier rewards
- Chroma Cores: Contains a random assortment of items that you can use for cusomization.
- Transmog Stones
Founder -- Includes Hero and Slayer Tier rewards
- Founder’s Alpha: Play a full week before Closed Beta starts. The Founder’s Alpha will come after the Closed/Technical Alpha and before Closed Beta.
- Patron Status (90 Days): Similar to Champion status, Patron status increase the quantity of materials dropped by slain behemoths. Everyone in your hunting party will also receive a similar bonus regardless of their status. This bonus stacks with other Patrons.
- Style Hunter perk: This perk gives vanity and customization items (which are usually found in Chroma Cores) a chance to drop from slain behemoths.
- Founder’s Banner: Customize your banner with new elements as your legend evolves.
- Guild Charter: Start your own guild and establish your legacy.
- Game Credits: Add your name to the Dauntless credits.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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TennoCon 2017 is being held in London, Ontario, Canada on July 8.
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Yes, I would very much like to try this one.

Along with the update, Bohemia dropped a roadmap for the rest of the year.

Looks like it's time to get some stretch goals up already.

Rewards include a customized action.
P.S. Quick Fact: You can play a 10 years updated version of this game for free. Its called Tera and the mobs are called BAMS. and this is just 1 in a 10000 things to do there.