DarkBlood Online to Shutdown

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Man, reality wasted no time rushing back after the holidays to smack us in the face. Outspark announced yesterday that their side-scroller action MMO Darkblood Online would be shutting down.

The MMO will be officially closing on January 15, with the premium shop having already closed down yesterday. For those that had made any purchases in the last few months, Outspark saw fit to reimburse players with varying amounts of SparkCash depending on when purchases where made. Players can expect compensation the same day DarkBlood shuts down. You can find the full breakdown on all of this here.

Outspark assured fans that the game would seek a new publisher and preserve player's character information until new publisher arrangements could be made. What were your opinions on the game? Let us know below.

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In this article: DarkBlood Online.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (70)

enzho 9 years ago
come join darkblood/heroes of atarsia unlimit Ar

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karel 9 years ago
noooooo i loved dark blood online

Kardix 10 years ago
DARKBLOOD COME BACK FINALY!!!!! DO IT PLEASE! Seriously i know it would sound weird, butz i have cancer and really i want to play atleast once more with that game Please!

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Cwishes 11 years ago
I think it's closed down just because of outspark... being outspark, it's really weird that they shutdown dbo = right after releasing new class and celebrating christmas.

Because this game is still alive in Korea(dblood.happyoz), China(db.changyou), Japan(not sure), and Indonesia(hoa.megaxus).
I wish DBO can return again for NA or english speaker... sorry if my english is bad.

ara 11 years ago
Dark Blood Online now open in indonesia (INA), With different name as "heroes of atarsia" which host by megaxus indonesia, today is grand launching of HOA / DBO, many players disappointed with very short stress level (stamina) you get in one day.. so in 1 day, players may allowed to play few dungeon and then got stressed, unless you have bunch of cash (real cash) to buy stamina, and seeing this game get shut down in original country then i start wondering, should i continue to play this game.

cindy 11 years ago
i love this game . it NEEDS to come back

NarKuZa 11 years ago
Hi, i started to play that game 15 days before it shoutdown and it was awsome...
nice control on pvp/pve (well monsters was to easy until my 21 lvl at list :p)
the only thing is missing was free world and custom stats that makes
the game pure mmorpg (without ppl can c your build like many games do now)
if u got nice brain activity you can make the best build and because someone
alse c it c/p u...
Last i'd like to ask why all good games shouting down? ''Client & Browser''
this is unbelievable... only the big NCSOFT - Blizzard and other huge company's last...
anyway same another nice game like this closed :/

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Carlos 11 years ago
realmente me encantaba este juego no puedo crer que se fuera a la mierda. me preguntp si regresara en otro momento por que yo adoraba ese juego yo era un shooter muy bueno me gustaba matar a la gente Cren que vuelva por que ay un server de corea en este instante teniendo in cluso una clase mas aparte de la asessina

denis 11 years ago
what now dark blood closed
whe he open

renzzz 12 years ago
hi everyone, many players get mad in closing of this game, coz this game really interesting, i admit that i like this DBO game too i reached up with this game @ level 40 i wasnt board with the game its because of duels and battling with very hard mode dungeons.. im hoping for the game will come back in the other publisher.. :-) ... i really miss this game , i want to play this all over and over again if this game return...

Someone Else 12 years ago
Outspark never gave a reason for shutting it down, it was basically "happy holidays guys, you're the best and by the way, we're shutting the game down next month" as they walked out the door on Friday Dec. 28th. After that they never said anything on the topic so it could have been due to just about anything.

There's just so many Korean F2P games coming over these days any any publisher of them I've tried has proven themselves to be pure crap eventually. I went into playing this game figuring it'd be my last Korean F2P game and about two weeks later the shut down announcement came. Even if the game is pretty good they just can have the fun drained out by these craptacular publishers so it's not even worth trying as you have to know they will screw your over eventually.

montiblanc 12 years ago
i quit at cbt wow was i lucky

Kurei Sama 12 years ago
This was one of those games that I truly enjoyed playing and it was fun. However, The reason I think it wasn't so popular is because it didn't have a decent PVP System, The Bugs, The Unbearable Lag and heavily Cash shop base. A Pity it's closing down, Oh well nothing lasts forever.

dsfsd 12 years ago
why they shut down games i like? first CoH, then Glitch....and now darkblood. If you also shut down WoW ....i'll get my hands on you publishers of crap

alanegrudere 12 years ago
the game wasn't that great after all. think the time that i've spend to download and install it is way more then actual gameplay. the customization wasn't good. the classes we're lame and the actual gameplay was rubbish. if valiant shutdown i don't even know why this one was still going. i think there was a good campaign behind it but that's all. kinda disappointed when ive played it but there i've seen the outspark and remembered they had another game that was action based but sucked.(dont remember the game name right now, can someone help me with that ?)

mattmanrx99 12 years ago
When reading the full story I wonder if a different publisher will pick it up.

Геймер 12 years ago
Cool game(
a pity that the game is dead.

Novelty does not equal profit 12 years ago
All this game had going for it that others didn't is gore and tits. Once people got past that they found another generic grindy dungeon mmo. Novelty is not enough to keep a game alive.

Zalor 12 years ago
Another generic MMO closed down. I'm so shocked at this news.

Trypzi 12 years ago
Wow.. This game was fun. A lot of things they could have done different but for a hack n slash it was fun.

I liked being able to play a hack n slash with an xbox controller and still keeping the mmo values. was lots of fun killing time thats for sure.

Amerden 12 years ago
as i see it, they haven't find a way to make this game both profitable and accessible. side scrolling/dungeon run based games aren't that bad overall, but stamina systems and grind/content availability makes them hard to manage. and if publisher is lazy then it's close to impossible. that kind of games will always be very repetitive and demanding from and for player base.

as good examples for genre - long liver mapple story and, i personally think so, elsword. great examples how to run sidescrollers and dungeon run based games.

i don't think, that game itself failed, i think publisher failed.

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speedy 12 years ago
what are u saying on europe server is kep going

spaceman 12 years ago
i've played WoW Guild wars GW2 diablo's PWI FWI.. non of them were as fun as this game to me.. maybe cause i was born in the 90's when games looked alott like this on the super nintendo/nintendo/playstation. tekken, etc. the game was so fun. its really sad to see it go. nowadays everything is trying to be a WoW clone. this game gave me a fresh new feeling, like i wasnt just playing another WoW looking type game. Side scrolling mmorpg with fully customizable skills combo's and dyable everything to make your character feel your very own 1 of a kind fighter, with full blood and gore? not many games are this amazing.

hope a publisher that doesn't pussy out gets it nextime. Outspark is lame.

Echoman 12 years ago
Games goin down one by one. Apocalipse has started people xD

Uncle Remus 12 years ago
Outspark ALWAYS does this....gets players to try their new game, establishes a mid-size strong community, then smacks em in the shit and shuts down the servers. I've hated Outspark ever since they shut down Secret of the Solistice so I never even tried any of their other games (including DarkBlood) Thanks Outspark for being real dickbags and confirming I made the right decision to never play a game you host again :)

cacalips 12 years ago
YES! Oh that feels so good! I love seeing garbage shut down fast. Now if we can find a way to have it never be launched at all... Then maybe we will get publishers that actually listen to it's community.

mmorpgism 12 years ago
Outspark has been shutting down alot of games left and right for the past 2 years :l

fghfh 12 years ago
aftetr divine souls shut down i dont played nothing from out$park

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
checked a first look at the game...didnt like it i really found it old school game and i don't like those type of games(aka do only dungeons like this one like vindictus just don't like that type of games)i am not suprised it shut down either with the games coming out at 2012/2013 it was only logical games like this to shut down

eon 12 years ago
The current F2P market is very saturated, you cant release some crap like from the year 1990s or 2000s and expect it to survive cough cough... DK online cough.... Waren Story, Elysium.
The population that still wants to play those old school games arent alot. Unless your game is able to sustain itself on no or low profit, all the new released crap aint going to make the cut.

Inflictious 12 years ago
No suprise at all. This year we seen about 10 game's shut down.

2013 my prediction will be double that, which game's, I really can't say.

F2P is not the future of gaming,One of my reason's is that once all the Main stream company's all start doing it and giving us AAA quality game's with a brand name behind them. The little company's will suffer the wrath first.
Once every company start's doing it No game will be safe no matter What company or quality it is,No one is going to use a cash shop if within 1 year thier game is gone!

To many game's out, Not enough player's in the world to keep them alive!



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70calories 12 years ago
the game was alright but I got board of it rather quickly also the fact it was gender locked more or less killed it for me

Rareloot 12 years ago
Maybe if developers spent more time on making their games fun, instead of focusing so hard on making sure they sexualize the female characters as much as possible, they wouldn't shut down so quickly.

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Extasist 12 years ago
I think the main thing was that this game didn't do anything about Europe player's "delay", i do liked this game but delay also pushed me away from it, not forgetting stamina system and they offered to create more characters if you want to play more of this game, but it only make this reach boring phase with the same farming over and over. But if it would came out with better publisher i don't think that i would go back to this game because seeing how many good game's are coming out 2013 and most of them are new gen mmo's so it's big competition.

xoextreme 12 years ago
god damnit. i just bought a controller to play this.

hovsep56 12 years ago
eh dont care the game was too grindy anyway had to repeat dungeons over and over again it was like vindictus when it just launched

rockmeo 12 years ago
ahahahahah disrved :3! they closed a real good game to relase this shit :)

DC 12 years ago
As far i understood from their official note, they will try to find a new publisher... so maybe this is not the end at all.

Ewoker 12 years ago
Is this Jiggly Boobs Game?

ugurano 12 years ago
1 more shit mmorpg going down xD

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DC 12 years ago
i didn't expected that. the game is fun O_o

commanderhavoc 12 years ago
Geeze, a lot of online games are shutting down this season.
Guess its not been a jolly one for them.

Not sarcasm 12 years ago
I really didn't expect this game to shut down. I used to play when it was first released and the starting area was full and the game has a pretty good player base. I guess Outspark just publishes games to shut down like Divine Souls.

Sarcasm 12 years ago
oh what a surprise. I didn't expect that

longtimegamer 12 years ago
sidescrollers are so 1990's when will companies realize that open world action is where gaming is at

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nekodeus 12 years ago
Well that sucks, especially with new class just released and all.
It certainly wasn't a bad game and I actually enjoyed it.

Berney 12 years ago
When i saw DarkBlood i thought of DFO. I was going to play it but DFO got to me first. Kinda glad that i didnt get into this game now that it is shutting down.

peanuthotdog 12 years ago
mounted, wow darkblood was fun, shame it didnt catch on that well.

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