Cryptic devs discuss life in Neverwinter Post-Caturday
For most games, Open Beta is a chance to iron out the last few bugs, balance issues, and UI problems before officially launching. Other times it's a frustrating sea of glitches, exploits, and crashes that can wreak havoc at the peak of the MMO's attempt at capturing their audience's attention. Unfortunately for developer Cryptic, Neverwinter Online's recent problems seem to lean toward the latter, from a massive economy crippling currency exploit, to players creating speed leveling dungeons by abusing mob placement and glitches that allowed players to one shot heroic bosses.
After shutting down servers for hours, closing the Auction House for almost a week, and implementing a 7 hour player rollback, deemed Caturday, the team at Cryptic has put Neverwinter back on track. As a way of thanking players for continuing to play through such setbacks, a small package was given to all characters (details available here).
Not okay with leaving the situation as is, Neverwinter's Lead Producer, Andy Velasquez, released a very honest and detailed news post discussing where the game currently sits. He candidly reviews several of the issues the game has had up to this point, and how the development team has worked to resolve them. He also discussed some of the future additions, improvements, and modifications planned for Neverwinter.
Some of the more critical improvements had to do with network connectivity, with the goal of vastly reducing server disconnects and lag issues, and character balances, in order to ensure all classes are both bug/glitch free and most importantly enjoyable to play across all content. There was also talk of Neverwinter's first PvP/PvE raid, Gauntlgrym. No exact date for the update was revealed, but look for it to be added to the Open Beta within the next few weeks. Also on the horizon are new companions, zones, mounts, mechanics, Paragon Paths, and a new "ranged" class.
If you'd like to know more about what's going on with Neverwinter, you can check out Andy's article here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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It will always be a slow news day when the editor's PC decides to have a meltdown.
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There's compensation coming whether you pre-ordered a bundle or not.

The teams were sent a video version of the announcement today.

Don't forget the "Guest Pass Edition" if you have a friend that bought the game.

The collab is live on the Steam test build now and will officially release on April 2nd.
I started playing it for a week then it was pretty bad .. Great weapon fighter and guardian fighter class are underpowered and trickster rogue overpowered... Cryptic let their fans down...
only game worth playing which is developed by cryptic is STO ... Neverwinter huge waste of time .. They needed to fix all these issues at close beta + zen and ad exchange is fked ... overprice and keeps climing
If you know that PWE is crap then why would you invest time and money into this game.
with all that crap out of the way now..... I can say i have enjoyed obt.... I have lvl capped and all free to play with hardly any effort at all que times suck if your dps soooo i rolled guardian fighter. gear is easy to get after you get through t1..... same with diamonds.
It is not pay to win at all, It comes down to how much if your time worth. if 5 bucks if worth saving 20 hours of play time so you can focus on other things in the game besides grinding or saving coin then hey to each their own..... Dont hate the player hate the game so to speak
Just cry more about it ladies, if you do not like it go play something else.... as always happy hunting !!!!
So never winter...LLOLOLOLOL needs to die, bankrupt Cryptic, and have cryptic bail and shut down its games, and leave PWE scrambeling to replace or shut out. The only thing saving them are the brain dead addicts paying over 5K a month in PWI...that game is crazy. IF you know people with gambeling addictions, PWI is the mmorpg of addicts galore. I knew someone paid by Canadian government each month to live because she farmed produce for the nation. So, in 6 month winters, she did nothing but collect a check and invest her 10K check into PWI, giving the guild and PWE 5K a month....her guild...owned all pvp territory LOL! (last patches that made noobs not work split their guild and they lost interest...All that cash...byebbye)
i just don't want to play a Perfect World game never again.
every game they run is ruined by either pay 2 play ,bugs not bieng fixed,exploits and not listening to what customers have to say.
an example of a great game DYING is ether saga Odyssey players left and are actually playing the original Chinese one KDXY why? well players who have played the game these two years would know....
F2P games when they listen to their players those games shine more ... cause i guess those companies respect their playerbase =)
the company sux and has ruined all things D&D and I hope they burn in the firey depths of hell... damn cash cow pay to win losers at Cryptic sold their souls to satan a.k.a perfect world entertainment.
As for the economy it can go die for all I care. Too much group-focused content for diamonds combined with your horrible queueing means a terrible income per day. Oh and your exchange rate is horrible. When it was @ 350 diamonds per zen you'd need 180,000 diamonds for just a $5 character slot expansion. Again with your horrible queues at 40+ (aka non-noob time) it takes weeks just to earn a whole $5 worth of zen. Free-to-play, bash-your-head-against-the-screen-before-you-save-even-paltry-amounts-of-money to win. Diamonds are near worthless because you were incompetent with your system and also the fact you gave millions of diamonds to those moron founders. No wonder your economy sucks when a couple hundred players hold it entirely in their hands. You created the Fortune 500 in neverwinter.