Corepunk Alpha 2 Delayed Until End Of May In Order To Implement Progression Systems

Insert Jeopardy theme while we wait.

Troy Blackburn
By Troy Blackburn, News Editor Posted:

Corepunk Alpha 2 Delayed Until End Of May

Those of us waiting to get our hands on Corepunk are going to have to wait a little longer, as the decision has been made to delay Alpha 2 by a month. Originally slated for April 23rd, the team says they wouldn't be able to deliver everything they want to by then, so now the Alpha will run from May 27th through June 2nd.

The progression systems in Corepunk seem to be the main holdup according to the post on the official site. The month-long wait shouldn't be bereft of Corepunk content, however, as the team wants to show off the systems they are putting in place for testing in a series of videos for the community. We'll of course keep an eye out for those and cover them when they come along.

"Our plan for the test is to unlock enough systems for you to have fun, test builds, new items, weapons, and heroes' gameplay in a complete progression logic," the post reads. "And we'll get a lot of fun from watching your gameplay and feedback. At this stage, this is the main goal of the test for us. Even though Corepunk has some ideas and systems inspired by various top MMORPGs, playing Corepunk feels different. Maybe it's not a game for everyone. But it's definitely a standalone game in the genre. And we really want to get your feedback on how it feels."

It feels like I've been waiting forever for a chance to get my hands on Corepunk, but alas, another month I must wait.

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In this article: Corepunk, Artificial Core.

About the Author

Troy Blackburn
Troy Blackburn, News Editor

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.

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Discussion (1)

Flintstone 11 months ago
Looks good, seems similar to warcrafty graphics etc etc. but...
On a overall solid note.
The game play looks exciting to play and can not wait to play it.
Great job devs. :)

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