Conquer Online 3 is Coming

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Conquer Online 3, the sequel to NetDragon's free-to-play MMORPG, Conquer Online 2.0 is coming. While preserving many popular features of its predecessor, Conquer Online 3 will also welcome new elements as well as improvements. In Conquer Online 3, the control will be simpler, both the PvP and PvE battle will be more challenging and the balance for classes will be reshaped with each class having their own specialties. At the same time, the controversial Battle Power feature will be eliminated.

In addition to the game system, the graphics of Conquer Online 3 will also be enhanced to a higher level. Holding up to the Chinese hand-painted style, the world of Conquer Online 3 will be portrayed more elaborately to make every detail of the environment vivid. Compared with the current game, the landscape of ancient China is more delicately displayed in a realistic style with mysterious oriental martial arts elements added in. Plus the wealth of colors used in the creation, the world of Conquer Online 3 will definitely become a dream place for gamers to visit when it is open.

Conquer Online 3 has already launched its official website, you can log on to to follow the information about this game.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Conquer Online.

Discussion (30)

TakeTwo 9 years ago
Yea why are CP's so expensive for a shittygraphic game I'm going pure war lvl 131

biebe 11 years ago
anu bahh yan wlang free hmmm....

ArysKayos 11 years ago
Its not bad like u guys say it is im 2nd rb nd started buying new unbound equips nd i havent spent a penny on the game they kinda took out farming for gear nd items with farming for lesser items nd selling to up ur far as i can c they just need to nerf nd add the old farming quests back in cuz quite a few ppl (Server: Region/Columbus) in my server found dbs or won them in the lottery nd all dragonballs r sold for gold nd as far as i kno if u dont live in the US or Canada u cant get in that server all the doubters should check it out (Best Guild GhostMakerZ nd Sinister)

DairyQueen 12 years ago
Awesome! I've seen what kind of new features they'll add. But it seems like it's a combination of co 1 with co 2 features. This game sounds like it'll be a lot more balanced, and it's not as hard to get gear :D! It'll be like a tq personally made private server.

M.R.Dark 12 years ago
this is all lie we are in 2013 and nothing had came up yet

kzp45 12 years ago
i need key plesa

enea 12 years ago
Conquer online 3 it will be very beautiful !

LongTimeCOPlayer 12 years ago
I used to love playing CO all the time. The days of plvling all over, tons of players mining in the mines having to protect miners, ppl doing moonboxes. They went wrong when lottery, Talismans, Horses came out taking away working to get gear and gems in game.Turned into having to buy more and more dbs to want to have anything decent. The talismans and horses made the pvp not balanced at all meaning the lesser geared players had absolutely no chance at taking down a real geared characters.This really made me lose interest real fast so i moved on to other games like WoW and Call of Duty, ect. I could see why the made the changes from a financial standpoint but it really made the game unplayable in my opinion. Best of wishes to Conquer Online maybe one day they will get it back on track. 12 years ago
please Back the mine cave in conquer 3

AceKing 12 years ago
I also Used to play CO, Spent maybe $300 buying DBs and hrs of game play. I have to say CO2 is a failed, Like ChrisHateZ say CO got greedy, you cant even farm or hunt for rare items anymore. CO lower the drop rate % of DB,rare items etc. even MET are hard to find.

The best part about CO is the pvp .. FastBlade and ScentSword Battle. Now and days no one give a hell shit cares about FB or SS. All about Spending money buying items from the mall or doing lottery.

CO1 was better ... CO2 suck ... hopefully CO3 will be better better. Hopefully CO will change some of the Class, add more class.

Make the game better, Axe, hammer are all useless wep in CO no one use them. Remove them or make them better.

Nihlathak 12 years ago
I used to play conquer 2.0 back a few months ago and i can say its a total disaster! as the fellow in the previous comments said,they removed some of the vital features for the new players and now its impossible to achieve anything unless you spend a lot of money on their official site.The game is chaos,just saying...I hope CO 3.0 will be far better than that.

View 1 reply 12 years ago
Wtf we all teird in this game and realy alot of ppl pay money alot of money
So what characturs co 3 have?

Nick 12 years ago
F2P Pay 2 Win

fawk u 12 years ago
they fail the 2nd one too dont no why they think the 3rd one will work just gonna be a shit ton of hackers n shit

Gear 12 years ago
This game is incredibly popular in Asia, I recall visiting the Philippines, SKorea, and Thailand where internet cafes actually boast their business for Conquer, Cabal, and Soldier Front.

Lord of Cinder 12 years ago
...I'm not entirely sure what to say.... i mean was conquer 2 Really that good/successfull that it was able to make another.

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Metalsnake27 12 years ago
Conquer sucks :/

Fail... lawl 12 years ago
soo they failed at warlords and make another warlords game? rofl what a bunch idiots

Dantiko 12 years ago
"Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing"

Gamer 12 years ago
Nooo not another one!! >.>

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ukkeliini 12 years ago

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