Command & Conquer: Generals 2 to be Free to Play - Gamescom 2012
EA announced at Gamescom that Command & Conquer: Generals 2 will become part of the free C&C franchise, that will be connected to the Tiberium and Red Alert universes.
With the last release of C&C: Tiberium Alliances relying heavily on the cash shop system, creating a pay-2-win scenario, the chances of C&C: Generals 2 being enjoyable to play is highly doubtful. The original C&C series had a very in depth single-player campaign, and the ability to play the game offline. Two things that are notably absent from this version.
Generals 2 will be released next year, but sign-ups for the closed beta sign-up start today. Head over here to sign-up for the beta and to find out more information. Do you think EA will successfully revamp the C&C franchise or will this just another pay-2-win game? Let us know!
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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I mean, I guess a timer makes since in this version, right? Every second counts.
The update changes up how DCUO does storytelling.
Players assisted by completing specific quests and donating items via in-game currency.
It basically works out to be one week per month through May, but each week's XP is specific.
They say they've listened too the fans, read the e-mails, and wanna make the game to our liking. Thing is if they really did listen to all of us, their wouldn't be a F2P Generals.
I'll just end this with a "BIG F-YOU VICTORY GAMES!!!"
Now, because of capitalism, the game will likely be turned into a power hungry pvp system. If you expect to have fun while playing, you'll probably end up spending $25 per month just to compete with other people who are spending $100 a month.
Welcome to the free to play game called, "Purchase & Conquer". I'm deeply saddened knowing that my favorite game will be turned into this. It won't even be a strategy game anymore.... Just pay more, win more.
nah, it's EA of course it's gonna be pay 2 win.
Sooner or later, it will become the only valid paying method. Mark my words.
Monkee has spoken.