Command & Conquer: Generals 2 to be Free to Play - Gamescom 2012

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

EA announced at Gamescom that Command & Conquer: Generals 2 will become part of the free C&C franchise, that will be connected to the Tiberium and Red Alert universes.

With the last release of C&C: Tiberium Alliances relying heavily on the cash shop system, creating a pay-2-win scenario, the chances of C&C: Generals 2 being enjoyable to play is highly doubtful. The original C&C series had a very in depth single-player campaign, and the ability to play the game offline. Two things that are notably absent from this version.

Generals 2 will be released next year, but sign-ups for the closed beta sign-up start today. Head over here to sign-up for the beta and to find out more information. Do you think EA will successfully revamp the C&C franchise or will this just another pay-2-win game? Let us know!

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Gamescom 2012, Gamescom 2012.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (26)

artek 12 years ago

Kaoz 12 years ago
Very dissapointed with the C&C franchise. It seems like ever since westwood gave up the rights. This game has done nothing but dissapoint. I'll be honest, I played Tiberium Alliances but, after just a month I was closing the laptop of boredom.

They say they've listened too the fans, read the e-mails, and wanna make the game to our liking. Thing is if they really did listen to all of us, their wouldn't be a F2P Generals.

I'll just end this with a "BIG F-YOU VICTORY GAMES!!!"

Kamalius 12 years ago
Weird how you could pay $50-$60 and play a good game, (based on tactics, strategy, and wit) for a few years back in the day.

Now, because of capitalism, the game will likely be turned into a power hungry pvp system. If you expect to have fun while playing, you'll probably end up spending $25 per month just to compete with other people who are spending $100 a month.

Welcome to the free to play game called, "Purchase & Conquer". I'm deeply saddened knowing that my favorite game will be turned into this. It won't even be a strategy game anymore.... Just pay more, win more.

Jokezz 12 years ago
Gtfo... EA is the hero , old gamers know that , i bet most of u are new gamers who dont know sh1t about gaming

kmk 12 years ago
This is going to awsome, cant wait for this game :D. EA is making a comeback you heard it here first.

Kevin 12 years ago
they shouldnt have made the game free. Theyd make money and it wouldnt be unbalanced

Smight 12 years ago
maybe the game won't be pay to win, maybe they will use fair model in hope they get more users on Origin which would mean more sales and much more profit,
nah, it's EA of course it's gonna be pay 2 win.

Dantiko 12 years ago
Simple, after they made C&Q Tiberium Alliances a free to play browser game, it became so much pay to win that everyone ended up paying, even me, so after seeing the pay-to-win strategy worked, they will try it again, but on a real C&Q, turns out it won't be totally P2W, but to win in the game you would need lots of time and strong friends.

Tobias 12 years ago
EA you screwd up Command and conquer 4 dont you dare screw this up dont make it a pay-2-win dont you dare :(

Hellgogutu 12 years ago
I don't think it's gonna be pay-to-win cuz it's a strategy game

pie 12 years ago
well at least we don't have to give them money to be disappointed, that's good right, i mean nothing can be worse than tiberium twilight (that game is not command and conquer)

Eames Black 12 years ago
Maybe im too naive but, even being p2w can be fun to play it, there is some p2w out there that are quite good (dont even try to pvp) dont know what this game is like as i never played C&C but the p2w model isnt too heavy it will be playable (my comment above may seem contradictory, no it is not just dont buy anything and dont feed a money hungry company, instead go and give 1 buck to the starving dude in the metro)

heshan_1010 12 years ago
I want to try out this game but the voice in my head keeps saying PAY-2-WIN.........

Vieric 12 years ago
I hope EA bleeds to this point, I don't think they would be missed. In fact, I think there would be much rejoicing.

cyberwat 12 years ago
God dammit. I was going to buy it since I'm a huge fan of the Generals series. Loved Generals and ZH. Now, since they're going to make it f2p with EA alongside them, I might not play it anymore. *sigh* Back to Generals 1 and Zero Hour.

sethsamson 12 years ago
the buildings and others 3d models looks very the same as in Battlefield .... i definitely wouldn't pay for that .... if it was a box ver ... so why not f2p

Curst 12 years ago
I can understand why subscription based games go free to play. But a buy to play game? Buy to play market is doing just great. Why the hell would the make this game f2p? I seriusly doubt that it's because they are an altruistic bunch. So pay to win it is... The footage looks great. But hearing that this game is going to be f2p, it also looks like a trap.

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edd 12 years ago
What does AAA franchise mean?

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70calories 12 years ago
Well its EA of course it will be pay-2-win I see LIMITED ACCESS already

Cypherous 12 years ago
I was wondering how they were going to ruin this game and it seems that they have now announced how they will ruin it, great work EA please continue ruining great franchise names -.-

ThcMonkee 12 years ago
Frostbite 2 based strategy, nice, although it's been toned down it seams. Either way, awesome news. No matter what you feel about the game it's always good news to see big fishes turn toward F2P market.

Sooner or later, it will become the only valid paying method. Mark my words.

Monkee has spoken.

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