Champions Online Celebrates 12 Years In Action
Several favorite anniversary events have returned.
It’s been twelve years since the launch of Champions Online, meaning that players have spent over a decade defending Millennium City from all kinds of threats, but even heroes need to relax. So, it’s probably a good thing some celebratory activities are underway – a full month of them, to be exact.
The events kick off today with the return of Top Ten who will take players on a tour of the game’s history. Each week of the anniversary month, he’ll offer players a mission based on players’ favorites from events past – starting with a scavenger hunt in which players look for heroes and civilians in the game.
Of course, heroes aren’t really heroes if they’re not rescuing cats from the sticky situations they manage to get themselves into but can’t ever seem to figure out how to get out of. So, Martha Reese and her cat Reggie need everyone to hunt down his lost friends and rescue them. Players will receive goodies for their work, including new perks and action figures.
Oh, yes, and Sapphire is back with a concert in the middle of the city. So, when you’re not busy with scavenger hunts and cat rescues, go spend some time dancing.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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