CCP Games’ Blockchain Game "Project Awakening" Drops New Info And Sets A Date For Next Playtest

The game is designed with “player empowerment” in mind.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Project Awakening Phase III

CCP Games is offering up more information on Project Awakening, which is set in the Eve universe and currently in early development. These details come with the announcement that the game’s next closed playtest begins May 21, which is probably why they’re throwing some more details out there.

That said, we’re not looking at trailers here, but getting a general idea as to what the game is all about. According to the game's site, Project Awakening is the next step in the developer’s plans to “create virtual worlds more meaningful than real life." Built on a single server, the game is a survival experience in a universe that will be impacted by player choices and actions.

Project Awakening takes place in the depths of space, where civilization is in ruins. The universe is hostile, and players must learn how to survive.

The game’s persistent world is built using the Carbon Development Platform and MUD by Lattice and will allow players to build not only within the game environment, but also on top and outside of it.

And yes, blockchain is involved, as is cryptography.

Players who want to help test Project Awakening can apply now to take part in Phase III. That’s the next closed playtest. During the test, players can test programable game systems and build their own features into the world. The test will even include an online hack-a-thon where players can show off their ideas.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (2)

Flintstone 11 months ago
I'm always a skeptic on these things,
I can see this being a great success for only for 1 reason.
Bitcoin heading towards its hundreds of k predictions.
Mine is it will be 150k by years end.
tip: keep watching the coins left to mine.
So yeah they hit the right time is all,
This action though does not make it a good game in my books
a money spinner maybe..

thatharvguy 11 months ago
I wonder how many BitCoins they'll charge for a monocle?

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