Catch 90 Minutes of Skyforge Gameplay Streamed in Russian
The prospect of watching 90 minutes of Skyforge gameplay in Russian presents a glass half-full or half-empty scenario for viewers. On the one hand, the viewer is treated to unedited, never before seen gameplay of the action-based MMO, but on the other hand, it's in Russian. Should you choose not to look through the footage filled with glimpses of Skyforge's UI, Divine Observatory, and classes in action; you can always wait until Gamescom next week, where Allods Team will be showing off new Skyforge details to the public.
The video was taken from a Russian stream featuring Skyforge's lead designer Alexander Pankov, and has him tearing through enemies as both the Paladin and Cryomancer. As Pankov moved through the Lanber Forest area, we were surprised by the zones overall visual fidelity. Likewise, combat also appeared fluid, but the obvious lack of motion captured animations in the current Alpha build made for some overly-exaggerated movements.
Enemies ranged from your entry level bandit groups to giant mind-munching humanoids. At one point, we even saw what looked to be a mechanical Pegasus armed with wing mounted rockets. I guess that's what happens when Sci-Fi and Fantasy collide.
A second video centered around the Cryomancer is also available, which shows off one of Skyforge's more necrotic zones along with one of Skyforge's more linear dungeons. For PvP fans, there's even a bit of 3v3 arena action starting around the 52:00 minute mark.
Having watched the footage, what are some of your current opinions of Skyforge?
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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