CABAL 2 Feature Showcase - Combat

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

"When is CABAL 2 coming out?" This has EASILY been one of the questions I get asked the most whether it's in YouTube comments, on the Free to Play Cast, on a livestream, or even just through email. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this in my 6+ years of covering MMOs. Until recently, we didn't have an answer. Once we found out that the North American and European releases were targeted for this spring though, at least we knew when, even if we knew almost nothing about the game itself.

Today, ESTSoft has released the first of a four part video series to start the information flow for the free to play CABAL 2. This video focuses totally on combat and rolls through how you'll rely on consecutive attacks, combos, combinations, and a special battle mode to tear through your enemies. Each of these concepts aren't too difficult to understand, but being able to pull them off in certain situations is going to take timing and skill. Add in the ability for tanks and healers to vary their combos and drop extra protective buffs or healing spells instead and you have a system that seems to have some variety and decision making to your rotation, even if the game utilizes a familiar tab targeting system.

I have to say, I like it so far. Check out the over 12 minute video and let me know your thoughts below! Make sure you pay the game's website a visit to sign up for beta if you haven't already.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Cabal 2, ESTsoft.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (16)

Cloak 10 years ago
Man Tera really looked like crap in closed alpha. *Joke*

But really this game trying to make combo's like its something new is.... facepalm. I really hate games that insult a persons intelligence. Dev's need to stop holding the players hand. We don't need it *slaps hand away*. I am surprised this game is not out yet. This kinda generic game would be out in a matter of months. After all its outdated 101 mmo gameplay. Mobs, quest, grind, and a story nobody gives a flying cow about because they just click on through to Accept and proceed. Anyways, looks pretty and that's the only step-up its got from Cabal online. Other then that I don't think their is anything here to be impressed by.

hovsep 10 years ago
had to laugh when the girl said it gets pretty addicting. yea not if you have to do it for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

SolBalmung 10 years ago
wow, so many peeps complaining that it's generic, what the hell is wrong with being generic?
It's a point and click MMORPG for the love of god, not some kind of hybrid like Skyforge or action MMORPG like Terra, so stop comparing it with both of those.
Saying that its boring because its point and click means that you don't particularly like that mmorpg genre...

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KalameesJr 10 years ago
Not going to lie but for a moment I thought I was watching a video about Aion... considering how the UI and visuals look and how the skills/chains work.

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notcoma 10 years ago
can it be more generic?

Etrius 10 years ago
Ok... "I" think its really cool that they keep using the previous title gameplay features, but I can't forget my 1st impression as it being an "Aion + Battle Effets - Customization" kinda game... also, after playing FFXIV and Skyforge, AI in Cabal II really need some work... mobs having tons of hp, and doing single target normal attacks and a few AoEs w/o really showing that "the attack X is coming" will make this boring in no time. I also noticed that she wasn't moving while using skills with the melee classes, is it position locked while using them?

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Detestt 10 years ago
As veteran Cabal player, I'm kinda insulted by what they turned it into.

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DolphinBUrrito 10 years ago
Do you really have a right to judge it from a video? No.

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asdasdas 10 years ago
generic combat, no patterns, pass

skyforge combat would be the minimum i settle for, at least their mobs have patterns instead of this generic shit show

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