C21: Steel Battle Chronicles Beta Test
CyberStep announced the opening of C21 -Steel Battle Chronicles- beta test. Players can already download the game and begin their adventures with powerful robots.
C21 -Steel Battle Chronicles- is a free to play MMORPG that is played from a 3rd person perspective and uses FPS controls to allow for fast-paced battles that will enable users to excel through their own personal skill, rather than their equipment.
Users will be able to engage in both aerial and ground combat on large maps that can host hundreds of enemies at a time, allowing for massive battles that will pit users against hordes of hostile robots. Utilizing the powerful robot creation system, users will be able to customize existing robots or build them from scratch. Create specialized role-specific robots or make a balanced build that allows you to deal with anything that comes your way!
Beta Campaign Prizes
All beta participants will have the opportunity to qualify for prizes that will be distributed upon commercial launch!
1. Users that make a character during the beta testing period will qualify to receive a “Gold Metal Flag BSJ!”
The Gold Metal Flag is a welcome addition to any style-conscious robot. Equipping one will immediately make your status as a Beta tester known to all.
2. Liberate the first 3 planets, Poyeen, Gernia, and Gald from the clutches of the Demon Force and attain the rank of ‘Corporal’ in order to earn a “Black Metal Zero Saber” playable robot.
The Black Metal Zero Saber cuts a dashing figure on the battlefield and is sure to stand out. Owning one proves your prowess as an elite soldier of the Neo Angel Force.
In order to participate simply sign up at http://www.c21-online.com/
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Rock Hippo Productions announced that its upcoming online multiplayer action game, Brawl Busters, will begin the Open Beta phase starting Thursday, November the 3rd.
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Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

Earn silly rewards and take advantage of the 100% XP buff.

They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.

Explore the final ancient fortress.
Since it looked very annoying bro.
, and dotorial is fun like hell you sould do it, over all everyone should try this game i give it a 10/10 jet pack robot transforming third person action :) try it .dont mide the grafics there not that bad
TIRED OF those idiot game makers with no creativity at all. -_-
in MY opinion it wont go far ...
Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries
Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2
Age Of Armor
Project of Planets
There are probably more but those that are ones I can think of off the top of my head.