Buy Special Neverwinter And Star Trek Online Packs And Support Two Great Causes
If you're in a giving and getting mood and you play Star Trek Online or Neverwinter, Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have a deal for you. The companies have teamed up with Groupees to raise funds for two important charities: Pop Culture Hero Coalition and United Way Bay Area. Both organizations are offering support to those most affected by the pandemic.
During this fundraiser, players can purchase packs for their game of choice (and their platform of choice) through Groupees. We get cool in-game items, and 100% of the proceeds are distributed equally between the two charities.
Both games are offering players either a $2 pack or a $10 pack. The latter is available in limited quantities -- 3000 available packs per platform.
Available for all platforms
- Tier 1 - $2.00 USD
- Blue Companion Choice Pack: Users will choose between the Cambion Magus and Astra Deva.
- Tier 2: - $10:00 USD
- Dragonborn Race Pack
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1.
Star Trek Online
Available for all platforms
- Tier 1 - $2.USD
- Heroic Risian Caracal Pet
- Heroic Tribble
- Title: Heroic
- Tier 2 - $10.00 USD
- Somerville Intel Science Vessel T6
- Batlh Intgel Science Vessel T6
- 1 Fleet Module
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1
The sale ends in 13 days -- sooner for the $10 tier if they run out. So, those interested in picking one of these packs up will want to hurry.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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