Bungie Offers Destiny 2 Players A Chance To Choose Between Monsters Or Mechs As The Next Batch Of Skins
These are going to be your Halloween skins, so choose wisely.
I know it seems weird to be thinking about Halloween when we haven’t even left March yet, but game development takes time. As the rest of us are looking forward to the real joy of Spring, Easter candy sales, Bungie is looking to the spooky future of Fall and Halloween or, in Destiny 2’s case, the Festival of the Lost.
As with last year’s event, Bungie has decided to let the players have a say in what their event skins will be. Rather than choosing between dinosaurs and monsters this time, players will be choosing between mechs and monsters. Although, the “monsters” in this case have a bit of a kaiju feel. That makes sense, considering what their competition is.
To take part in the poll, players will need to first make sure they’ve signed up for Bungie’s emails. There’s a short list of things you’ll need to do to achieve this first part, First, connect your platform of choice to your Bungie.net profile. Then visit the account settings page and click on “Notifications and Email” to enter your email address. Once that’s taken care of you’ll be ready to go when the emails offering a chance to vote roll out. This will occur between April 7 and April 13. If you haven’t voted by the 13th you’ll be out of luck, so be sure to keep an eye on your email.
Even if you don’t really care which set of skins wins, you might want to go ahead and vote anyway. Everyone who votes will receive the Broken Barriers emblem on April 19.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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