Braaaaaains! -- H1Z1 BombLive

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:


H1Z1 launches its early access today, and we'll be there shortly after the servers go live -- in theory, at least. In reality, it is early access, so all sorts of things could go wrong -- and the game isn't even available for download as of this writing -- but we'll try to get the stream going as close to the start time as possible, if not a little early.

Come enjoy the livestream broadcast on our official Livestream page every Monday and Thursday at 2:00PM PST. Follow us now so you don´t miss the show. Hope to see you there!

BombLive is the official MMOBomb livestream show where viewers get to watch and interact with their favorite MMOBomb hosts! We pick some of the latest free to play games to play with our fans in this full hour live show! Come enjoy a livestream broadcast on our official Live Stream page: every Monday and Thursday at 2:00PM PST.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: BombLive, H1Z1.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (4)

Todoran 10 years ago
G99 error online 10/10 best game ever!

Kraiden 10 years ago
I had to change my review due to recent news. A streamer just ordered 3 airdrops, and in all 3 of them he got game breaking items such as AR15, weapons, food, medic aid.

Seriously this is really bad, shady business. For months the developers boasted about how they wont sell anything that could break the game and was only cosmetic stuff they offered in the cash shop but literally the first 3 items that the livestreamer bought gave him everything he needed to win the entire game and kill everyone else on the server ruining everyone else's chance and fun.

Forget hackers, cash whales are your biggest problem with this game. Seriously, what good is it to "survive" when someone else on the server is dropping $10-20-40 into the game to gain weapons and ammo and kill everyone else?

Drmusic13 10 years ago
Lol have fun getting into loading simulator 2015, and if you are lucky enough to get past the loading screen make sure you enjoy the G99 error.

FlylikeG99 10 years ago

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