Blue Potion Games' Echo of Soul is B2P...Even Though a F2P Version Exists

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

In one of those weird marketing decisions we may or may not come to understand later, Blue Potion Games has decided to launch a buy-to-play version of Echo of Soul. The company recently kicked off Early Access for the game on Steam and are charging $8.99 for access -- although there's a 40% discount at the moment.

At the moment, it's a little difficult to tell what the logic regarding this release. One thing that we can assume based on the game's Steam page is that the original developer, Nvius, is not involved. It also appears that Blue Potion has no intention of going free-to-play with their version as the EA FAQ states that "Early-Access Players will definitely have an advantage on pricing of the game." (We can only assume the price will go up.)

There's no real indication about what the differences between this game and the one already available as a F2P offering through Aeria are either, although regional restrictions could be a factor. Although, I'm sure we'll find out as players buy their way into the Early Access.

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In this article: Aeria Games, Echo of Soul.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (6)

Moodirun 5 years ago
Such an amazing game. It's great to see that theres a company out there to give the game the proper support and love it deserves.

Eli 6 years ago
Phoenix is terrible. It's only after Gamigo took over EoS and changed everything (and then shut it down and released Phoenix) that I and everyone I knew stopped playing. So far it looks like these guys are bringing back the older version with a lot of fixes to shit Aeria never listened to its userbase on. I loved the game before Gamigo took it. Here's hoping this doesn't go the same route.

Kevin Flemming 6 years ago
EoS is bloody awful. I tried to play it way back, and it was just so generic and boring (as most MMORPGs are, to be honest).

ha ha 6 years ago
echo of souls? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the game is BAD BAD BAD just stop it!

scott grass 6 years ago
basically its a rip off..a cash grab for a dying game...

Richard 6 years ago
it won't last i think. it just stupid lol.

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