Blizzard Offers Yet Another Reason For Participating In Hearthstone's Hallow's End Fireside Gathering
There are plenty of good reasons to participate in Hearthstone Fireside Gatherings, not the least of which is finding other people in your area to get together with and play the game. But during the Hallow's End event starting October 17 there's an additional reason. During these gatherings, players participating in gatherings at established taverns will be gifted with the game's newest hero -- Nemsy Necrofizzle -- for free. All they need to do is participate in a Fireside Brawl as part of the gathering.
There is one important detail to note. As stated above, the gathering must be at an established tavern. For this to happen, a gathering must meet a few requirements. The first is to be set up via the Fireside Gathering site. The second requirement is that the host has held a Fireside Gathering and had at least three patrons in attendance. Once the latter requirement is met, the host can go establish their Tavern via the site linked above.
Hosts holding gatherings during Hallow's End will need to follow a few rules, particularly if they are wanting to give out swag boxes and the like. All the information you need to set up and host your own gathering can be found on the Hearthstone site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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