Blizzard's In Hot Water Again: Overwatch Contenders EU Casters Forgot Their Own Rules, Leads To Incorrect Match Call And Team Protest
The two teams playing made the cast an absolute joke by doing 1v1 fights.
During yesterday's Overwatch Contenders European Summer Series, pro teams Munich Esports and 01_Esports faced off against each other under the impression that whoever reached four wins in a game of best of seven would walk away the winner. But Blizzard's EU commentators literally forgot the rules discussed with the teams via Discord, instead calling the game early and declaring the match as a best of five. Scrambling to save face, Blizzard changed the official rules on the tournament website, but it didn't stop 01_Esports and their next opponents Ex Oblivione from protesting the decision later in the day.
The two teams discussed protesting during a live game (below) beforehand. Once the match started (re-started?), they rushed towards a usually heated capture point with joke compositions to do 1v1 fights.
It was hilarious to hear the casters hype up their 1v1 encounters while knowing things were going south. Not long after, Blizzard paused the game and took it off the stream. Ex Oblivione later posted an official statement on Twitter:
"Ex Oblivione, alongside many others within the Contenders scene, are distraught regarding the decision made for the match between 01_Esports and Munich Esports and the issues that have occurred following multiple errors on Blizzard's end," the post reads. "We believe this in combination with a general lack of communication has affected the competitive integrity of this tournament. We hereby refuse to continue our series until the issues have been addressed. We apologize to all viewers watching the matches, and hope you understand."
It didn't take long for the official Overwatch Path to Pro Twitter page to send out a statement that 01_Esports and Munich Esports would get another go around. The two teams were able to finish their final two games today, but fans call for more than just a band-aid fix. Even the North America Tournament had the same situation about a year ago.
What changes are you hoping come to the Blizzard esports scene? Let us know below!
(Thanks to MMOBomber Jason Winter for the tip! :) )
Note: Activision Blizzard is still under investigation by the state of California for serious harassment charges. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about such actions within his company – and performed some himself – and shielded the perpetrators from consequences.
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About the Author

Anthony Jones is a gaming journalist and late 90s kid in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He started at Mega Visions as a news reporter covering the latest announcements, rumors, and fan-made projects. FFXIV has his heart in the MMORPGs scene, but he's always excited to analyze and lose hours to ambitious and ambiguous MMOs that gamers follow.
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