Blizzard developing a free-to-play game?

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Develop is reporting that Blizzard may be getting into the free-to-play market in an upcoming unannounced game.

The site's anonymous source added that the studio behind World of Warcraft is aiming to have games in both business models, subscription-based and freemium.

Blizzard already has spoken about the possibility of adopting the free-to-play model in the future but we still don't have any official confirmation about this rumor.

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Discussion (25)

Nox 13 years ago
FFS. Blizzard's dota is not a full game, it's a map for SCII.
You can read about it on the OFFICIAL Blizzard link:

Honestly with the rumors, how hard is it to write "blizzard dota" in a search engine.

ChrisHateZ 13 years ago
Lol Blizzard already said that the free2play game they are working on is Blizzard DOTA (Dota 2).You can read about it on

mipedian 13 years ago
maybe there making DOTA 2

Gasper 13 years ago
Blizzard did announce a free game something close to DOTA

kangohw 13 years ago
Their Blizzard Dota is not rly free. You have to purchase Starcraft 2 and download the custom map so you can play it. It's more of a mini game from SC2

Megazell 13 years ago
Blizzard already has 2 F2P titles - WoW: Starter and Starcraft II Starter. And before anyone says it's not...I can play it. I can not play it without paying. It's Free to play it. :)

I look forward to more if they make'em!

messiah 13 years ago
blizzard dota?

Vinny 13 years ago
But most likley World of Starcraft codename titan will be pay to play, and I would pay.

Vinny 13 years ago
The game is Titan in which they make it free to play titan is the starcraft mmo just like warcraft mmo, and I look forward to see the starcraft mmo code named titan the real name is World of Starcraft. ItS cOmInG iN 2012 oR 2013.

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Rinor 13 years ago
am i the only one who thinks that this f2p will be pay to win?

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TheGamer 13 years ago
Who knows?Maybe its a new WoW expansion that will make wow f2p, since, first, with has no trial, then a 14 days trial, and now free up to lvl 20, maybe f2p next time?Who knows?Blizzard is freakin crazy...

Name (Required) 13 years ago
i wonder what kind of game this time!

Phantom 13 years ago
when do u think it be out :o?

Nox 13 years ago
"Upcoming unannounced game"?
They're making Titan, D3, SC2 and WoW Mists. I don't see any room for another game.

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SteamChaos 13 years ago
.Blizzard is about the profit. So they either plan too tap into too the free too play market and not like the profit margins or like them. It may mean tons of free too play MMOs on the budget Blizzard has too offer.

Sanarin 13 years ago
Maybe it's DotA Allstars

Sly 13 years ago
may Blizzard will give me back all my money spent on World of Warcraft?

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