Blizzard Announces Overwatch, Which Is Totally Free-To-Play, Right?
So, Blizzard just announced a new game. It's called Overwatch, and it's a kind of superhero-themed Team Fortress 2. It was described at BlizzCon as "a team-based, multiplayer shooter that is completely action-packed" that will be "very approachable," keeping in line with their inclusive philosophy regarding MMORPGs, MOBAs, and CCGs.
Set "In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world." This motley group of warriors includes such outlandish characters as a slinky sniper, a Nordic engineer who looks and sounds like a dwarf, an angelic healer, and a giant ape. Each has his or her own role -- offense, defense, tank, or support -- and they do battle around a number of stylized locations, including the streets of London and the shadow of the pyramids in Egypt. The only two modes announced so far are point capture and payload.
So yeah, it all sounds like "Blizzard's Team Fortress 2," which isn't that surprising, seeing as how other games, like Loadout and BattleCry have also jumped on the cartoonish team-based shooter arena. Those games are all free-to-play, so Overwatch will be too... right?
See, the thing is, we can't find any official word of that. It wasn't mentioned at BlizzCon and it's not in the official press release. Still, we're reporting on it here, in advance of more solid information. We'll hold off on any more writing until we're sure, but that raises a question for all of you: Would you be more or less interested in the game if it wasn't free-to-play? Would you try it out anyway? Or does it have to be F2P for you to give it a serious shot?
(Editor's Note: Blizzard states that they aren't sure if a one time purchase or F2P is the way to go yet. Which do you think?)
About the Author
Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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The problem of course is that I'm a broke university student who already has enough trouble managing to save enough money to get through a week, letalone to buy a video game online (which would be hard for me to do anyway since I don't have a credit card). The only games I have really been playing lately (Team Fortress 2 and Planetside 2) are the ones I could get for free, as were a few others that dropped off my radar for one reason or another (Blacklight and Entropia Universe). It would be great if this was free, or at the very least along the lines of TF2 or Planetside 2 (where the game itself is free and enough is available for you to enjoy it, but you can pay for cosmetic items and other special features). I'd just prefer it doesn't end up like Pirates of the Caribbean Online (which kept proudly boasting in its advertisements to be "free to play", except once you've actually started playing it you can barely due anything more than walk around before you get messages in your face saying "unlimited access only, pay up!").
To be honest the best thing they could do would be to make the game subscription based for like $5 a month, but that won't happen because most people won't pay a subscription for a FPS. Instead they'll probably turn it into hat fortress with hundreds of awful looking cosmetics or they'll just implement a new system with weapon customization or new weapons altogether for characters making it extremely unbalanced. They're also talking about plans already for new characters, but looking on the surface these characters already look unbalanced so I don't know why they're worrying about new characters right now.
TF2 had a specific set up of class strengths and their weaknesses, but I don't see that so much in this game to a great degree (I said had because I'm talking about stock TF2. not 2014 shit TF2). I mostly see classes with just abilities that some are just greatly more useful than others. This will probably be a game where after a half year of its release people will get to know the characters with an "edge" and only about 1/3 of the characters will be frequently played by experienced users. I also don't like FPS games that implement class special abilities (not passive abilities). I've seen that in Monday Night Combat and it's basically who has the strongest ability and can spam their ability faster wins, (kind of like WoW ;] ) instead of who is better at aiming. I also really hate the character design. I never liked the WoW style to start with. I would really wish Blizzard would expand their art style and character design instead of recycling WoW like characters with guns in their hands...
Blizzard has a knack for making similar games that are better than their brothers and sisters, or at least different in some way. For some reason this "journalist" decided to compare this game to Team Fortress 2, which I am sure they knew would light a fire under posters butts. In my opinion it is more like the upcoming Gigantic, just without the big bosses. I've even seen complaining about the Hero diversity, that they would rather have 3-4 flat characters. Without thinking it through people are posting nonsense, starting with the author of this.
The game isn't even in beta and people are banishing it from their minds. At least wait a little while and try it. The game offers many different and diverse characters from what I can tell. Different characters that can fill the same role as some others. Tanks for example with shields, what is fun about having to use the same tank over and over again? Why shouldn't I be able to play the gorilla and then the guy with the big mace who also has shield abilities?
My point is take it easy and give it some time. Try it before making your judgment, you may be surprised at what you find. It may very well not be a game you like, but at least you tried it to make sure.
don't do this to me blizzard :( no...
instead of having:
3-4 characters you can choose from, customize their appearance and use whatever weapons you like and customize them as well
ive played TF2 and its a really stupid game, i dont know what people like about it, AVA used to be way better - at least you can choose from tons of weapons the one that fits you best and even customize it, while in TF2 you have to bear with what you are given and suck it up or quit
i feel that this game will have the same mechanics as TF2, thus i wont even bother
it is quite generic, but at least it looks good
I'm pretty sure they got budget for it and player won't mind sub it
And all people are hyped now only just because it's blizzard? If any other company would make this game, all people could write smth like ''It's a TF2 rip-off, It's Firefall rip-off'', but when Blizzard makes it, all people are like ''WOW, incredible game!''. F*ck that
Good if tv show series was produced too...
Overwatch Gameplay Trailer:I WANT THIS GAME NOW
Overall this game looks good although i do see it may have some balancing issues cause it does have a lot of classes afterall but i do have faith in this cause its Blizzard.
As far as if i will play it or not.If it goes free to play I AM DEFENETLY trying it since i loved team fotress 2.If it goes B2P i will wait a bit and see what everyone who played and bought it say and depending on their saying(and if i can afford it) i may or may not play it.None the less the game looks really good
Alternatively they take the route of DOTA and charge for skins etc.