Blade & Soul [CN] Celebrates With Super "Sexy" Costume... Female Characters Only Need Apply

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Blade & Soul’s Chinese server dropped a new patch recently… Aside from adding the 9th class -- Soul Fighter, and some additional content; the thing that’s really catching everyone’s eye is a specially themed costume for everyone’s favorite February holiday.

As MMOSite reports, a special Valentine’s Day themed costume has been made some characters, specifically the female ones. The costume consists of a long dress shirt -- and sometimes tie -- that I can only assume are meant to be swiped out of the girls’ boyfriends’ closets. They -- kinda -- cover everything that someone might find questionable. So, at least there’s that.


I have some doubts as to whether or not these will make it into the western version of the free-to-play game, although stranger things have happened. If they do, I have only one question: where are the guy’s costumes? I mean… Can’t they at least get a little red speedo, or maybe some boxer shorts with hearts or cupid on them or something? I mean… The guys should have something to wear on the most romantic day of the year too…. RIGHT?

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In this article: Trion Worlds, Blade & Soul.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (10)

Demobendo 9 years ago
This was the korean patch no ?

fallenwing 9 years ago
this is korean language ! no china !
달콤한 초콜릿
2월 3일
진여 - jin girl
건 - gun (?)
곤여- gon girl
린여- rin girl

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nametaken 9 years ago
Now bring it to America/EU, stop treating us like children with garbage censorship and then complain when we dont give you our hard worked money.

Todoran 9 years ago
noooooooooooow thats a reason to play this..... DOWNLOADING 76%

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Kouda 9 years ago
"Aside from adding the 9th class — Soul Fighter, and some additional content"

I feel like something pretty important was swept aside for journalism on something fairly mundane.

Shanex 9 years ago
The funny thing is that the Chinese version is supposed to be the censored version.

SmolPox 9 years ago
Males will have their own costume don't worry :) they just haven't made them but they are coming soon :3

crispyguy 9 years ago
Wow, I've never seen anything like this before in a korean mmo!

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