Blacklight Retribution Customization Video

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Blacklight Retribution Dev Diary 4: Bred for Battle is all about customization. Check out the video to see the guys from Zombie Studios talk about the in-depth customization tools for not only your character, but your weapons as well.

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In this article: Blacklight Retribution.

Discussion (9)

Exert 13 years ago
meh... ava is better...

BlackLightRetribution sucks!!!!! 13 years ago
Also the matches aren't balanced, not by numbers but by skill. I've seen a match where I've been in a team and everyone is level >10. The other team had people below level 8. So we had a level 18 as well and we pwned them about 30matches straight. It might seem fun for us but I think it get's frustrating for them. They need to work on somehow balancing the level on teams. Maybe an average level ? Add all the levels up on 1 team, divide it by players, do the same for the other team. If one team has a higher average, exchange some players until it is about the same. Then it might be a slightly better game. I think that they should make guns permanent but with a higher price or at least make credits easier to get. Eg. Assault rife : 1 day 100 creds 3 day 250creds
Permanent : 1k creds or like 1k< creds.
Instead of getting 50points per kill maybe 100, 150 points you know? So Yeah if they take in all this advice and change it, it will definitely be the best game on the net, but as of this moment it just plainly sucks.

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BlackLightRetribution sucks!!!!! 13 years ago
The only thing good about this game is the gameplay and graphics, the rest suck. High level players are OP since they get all the good weapons and the customization is too expensive. I mean I spend 5hours to buy stuff and then you know it the next day it's gone. Then I start again and make no progress. I just keep getting the same items over and over and over again like this ;
Start playing
Buy new gun
Buy new mod

Start playing
Buy same gun
Buy same mod
End of day

The next day :
Start playing
Same gun again
Same mod again
End of day

Then I don't get any place to buy new items. The leveling system is okay though and it isn't too slow but that's just my complaint. You're going to get no where .

Ero-Shinigami 13 years ago
Uhm, cool game, but it lag for me, even my pc and net being good, maybe coz of the ping, I live in Brazil =C.

Gravenn 13 years ago
Edmond you're wrong, you can look awesome and it wont cost much, only thing that costs a bit too much is the color of your armor, but you get money easily after you learn the game and start getting kills and objectives for mucho mucho score : )

EdmondDantes 13 years ago
You need a lot of game money to make yoor caracter awesome and it is not permanent

EdmondDantes 13 years ago

Second 13 years ago

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