Blacklight Retribution: Behind the Visor Video
In this developer diary, Zombie Studios describes the concepts behind the visual and sound design of Blacklight Retribution - everything from the grimy look of a post-modern Tokyo, to the turbulent shriek of an airstrike.
Blacklight Retribution is a free to play next-generation MMOFPS developed by Zombie Studios and published by Perfect World Entertainment.
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Every time I see another pirate MMO game I get excited, but I've been burned before so I'll be cautious this time.

Obviously, there's a few more dungeons to explore.

The Ubisoft show certainly keeps getting more interesting.

Blacklisted characters names will not show up properly.
but still beta is coming ! so we will see what this game is about
is it a nother APB fail who knows
27th Perfect World Entertainment. can break the chain . and not become APB 2.0
ill be playing BF3 thats for sure :D