Black Desert Online Releasing in the West in 2015

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

(Trailer Courtesy of IGN)

Pearl Abyss and Daum Games are getting set to start the open beta phase for Black Desert Online in the East about 11 days from now. In the midst of all the excitement, Western players got a bit of good news as well.

While we've known for a few months now that we would eventually see a Western release for the free-to-play MMORPG (starting with a beta in early 2015), we didn't know how far after that an actual release would come. We figured Daum Games would need some time to set up Western offices since they opted to publish the game themselves in both the Eastern and Western markets.

While we'll still have to wait for a definitive date, you can at least mark the Western release on your calendars for 2015 as well. Sean Hong (CEO of Daum Games) and Brian Oh from Pearl Abyss both confirmed that their goal is to have the full launch sometime in 2015.

This is great news for anyone following Black Desert online...but now the wait begins. Is Black Desert a game that you've been waiting for? Tell us why or why not below!

UPDATE 12/9/2014: Pearl Abyss clarified that actual release is still slated for 2016. It would seem that using the phrase "next year" while still in 2014 can cause some confusion!

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Black Desert, Pearl Abyss.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (31)

Deflesh 10 years ago
For everyone complaining about gender locking, you do realize there will be male and female equivalents of each class, right? They will mechanically be different, but will essentially play the same.
We have the ranger for the archer, the valkyrie for the warrior, and the wizard for the sorceress.

There is a gender lock but it doesn't keep you from playing what you want, just the way you play it, and I find that infinitely more unique.

TU.:xXx:. 10 years ago
Good better info than BnS +) can't wait till this sexy looking game to be released

Mr Heartless 10 years ago

Seanny Chwan 10 years ago
Mehhh .. is jus gonna be some action-combat game with nothing to do except hack & slash.Yeh i knw there's this instance housing and stuff but still look like a game that'll jus be fun for couple of weeks

toonsoon 10 years ago
lol people want to roleplay and make a female barbarian :rolleyes: . I'm glad its genderlocked.

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Anon 10 years ago
First of all I like how MMOBOMB is opposite land so the top comments are the ones with the most negative votes on them.

Anyway BLack Desert Online has some very cool concepts, but also some pretty shitty ones.

I honestly wish MMOs would come out with less focus on levelling. It should be about the journey, not the destination. I know in Ragnarok Online a lot of us just levelled at a leisurely pace and had fun doing it. Adventuring, exploring and just goofing around was the main event, levelling was just a byproduct. I really miss that. Most MMOs now treat levelling like some obstacle course you have to speed through to get to the shiny things at the end. Everyone is always in such a damn hurry. People need to stop trying to be the best and just enjoy the game instead.

aaaanyway bit off topic. But yeah. Seems like that's what BDO will turn out to be like.
Also the lack of PVP focus is a big one I hope they iron out for launch. PvP is an integral part of keeping an MMO alive. It is very easy content, I don't see why devs don't take advantage of it more often. Everything BDO has in place screams Open World PVP. To not have it will be the death of the game honestly.

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sdasda 10 years ago
i noticed on videos that the mobs dont have any patterns at all, just like tab target mobs

i was expecting more like vindictus...& since pvp unlocks after 50, aint nobody got time for that

70calories 10 years ago
The whole gender lock is a big let down =\

Hmm 10 years ago
Developed by a dev that sold off its original game (C9), and being westernized by a company that's just now moving to the west. I'm a little skeptical.

Just looks like a limited land, action, less pvp version of AA. Not to mention the grind, the grind is real.

It's another Flavor Of the Month game, to be run by large town grabbing guilds, and to be enjoyed by the more casual players but to be left by the players that don't have a large guild, but are competitve.

Really dislike that you can't even PvP till 50, and even then it's arena's and GvG (Castle Sieges), half of which most players won't be engrossed in. But I heard there is still open world PvP to keep things interesting.

I guess I'll wait and see, but am very skeptical, as it just looks like C9 with upgraded graphics, open world based, and just a few more systems for longevity (trade runs/housing/etc).

Insane 10 years ago
Gender Lock is so "NOT" Next Gen -.-

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Saiti 10 years ago
Aaaaaa this it's a cheap copy after vindictus, just improve the make-up section and voila but , all classez are straight from vindictus .... lul cheap

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FTK 10 years ago
It is "THE" game people are waiting for, tested the Alpha and Beta and would say that it is worth it, for those people who are tired of waiting for Blade and Soul Western release, this is way much better than BnS trust me, so far its still not the perfect game im looking for but still worth the time to play and will be playing the English release at 2015, oh and if your asking what the perfect game is for me, its gonna be "Tree of Savior" nuff said LOL! see you guys in game!

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Hantzie 10 years ago
But i bet my laptop won't handle those graphics lol

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