Black Desert Online Goes "Buy to Play" in the West
Yes, you read that correctly. Today, Daum Games Europe announced that it is working with Black Desert Online developer Pearl Abyss to bring the MMORPG to North America and Europe in early 2016. A new teaser site is also live and the announcement comes with a brief description of some of the changes the Western version of the game will have over its Russian and Korean cousin. The main difference will be the payment model.
Black Desert Online will not be free to play in the West. Instead, the game will adopt a one time box fee and then have a cash shop for vanity and convenience items. The game's box price will be revealed at a later date. Game balancing and localization are also slated to undergo various changes.
“We are putting a lot of effort in the game’s Western localization,” said Daniel Loehr (AKA Belsazar), Project Manager at Daum Games, “We are localizing approximate 2.5 million words into English, German and French. Black Desert Online's content and gameplay systems will be adjusted to accommodate Western players and our differentiating business model.”
With that announcement, Black Desert Online won't be making many headlines here at MMOBomb anymore, but what do you think about the payment model change? Does the box fee make the game more desirable for you? Let us know below.
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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the stick of their lies is coming through the computer screen
looks like b&s is the one to play
I am a League play and I reserve the right to say this.
like they said... they put a lot of effort translating it into 3 languages, working on bug fixes, balance issues and so on... i believe that we will get a pretty much polished game out of it.
about BDO. i played, and i occationally still play, the KR version of it. i enjoyed it and i still enjoy the combat style. however its not that hardcore because the devs made the kr version suited to korean people's play style. thats all fine. ++the devs are working together with the english/western testers and considered a lot of thoughts.
about the cash shop. KR version is f2p and even their cash shop doesnt have any p2w crap in it.
i mean sure, there is something like a "vip service" which u can buy and gives u 10% more silver drop and 10 or 30% more exp on kills (sorry couldnt translate that part correct so i am not sure) but thats pretty much it. tbh i never mind that kinda service. especially in BDO u dont get much out of it. lvling from 1 to 50 takes u a maximum of 2 days. and another week until 55. who cares about getting there 10% faster? lol.
rest of the shop is pretty much just costumes and pets which all can be bought from ingame currency as well.
at least... yea, there is a "fatigue" system. there are only few things that cost "strength" like crafting/cooking, farming and spending skill points. but as u level or finish certain quests u gain additional strength so u can do more stuff. besides that strength recovers one point every 3 minutes.
so i started with i think 10 strength and ended somewhere with 65 strength. at the end i played a mix of crafting, farming and gvg. i never managed to spend all my strength points at once. (so dont listen to people whining about it) besides... the western model will then be different.
all in all i pretty much love BDO already and i am looking forward playing it in the EU
- Less retards
- More content
- No pay to win
Look at Guild Wars 2. I'm happy to support the devs with a one-time payment so they can keep me entertained for years.
Its not worth waiting really play it now in RU server.
Those were the good days.
Also, @Koagz Lol good luck friend..let's see that attitude in a good year and a half post-launch when Black Desert goes F2P (or flat out dies permanently). You won't be smiling then.
I enjoyed the game quite a lot but I didn't wanna explore everything before it came out in English, I am really happy to hear about them going with the Buy the Box model, like GW2 which in my opinion worked out really really well.
I'm super excited to see how Daum Games will do with this game, and I hope it will be a great success.
the fact is, history repeats itself, yet another generic game is trying to go b2p to make a few more bucks, and just like GW2, after a couple of months they will lose a good portion of the playerbase... but at least GW2 had something "different", this game doesn't, it will be forgotten just like GW2 was and will eventually go to a "f2p"-ish model so they can sell their expansion
well, I wasn't even excited about this game, it is just another generic game with good-ish combat, this won't be enough for them to go b2p for too long... but who knows, publishers that go for b2p are too stubborn to accept that their game isn't better than any other f2p game on the market, so they might act like funcom and die thinking that this payment model is awesome
just saying.......... xD
Im more interested now than i was before.
Lets hope they dont give the B2P model a bad reputation with a bad cash shop. Selling the game and maintaining it with a decent cash shop should be more than enough (its been proven to work better than F2P cash grabs anyway).
Well, at least it will not become P2W like the F2P Korean version, I think.
But i think you guys shouldn't stop the headlines about BD for this reason.
"Black Desert Online won’t be making many headlines here at MMOBomb anymore" You mad bro? This is a good thing it won't have to be a this crappy site with a bunch of crappy F2P garbage nobody plays other then retards.
Oh down vote me? You must be so powerful. Losers. xD
Keeping it simple and avoiding trendy new marketing traps is a plus in my book. Now it comes down to their dedication on maintaining the game and avoiding an Archeage launch.
Think that grey area is smaller than we think.