BioWare Adds 100 More Galactic Command Levels To SWTOR

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Just in case you thought you didn't have enough to do in Star Wars: The Old Republic right now, BioWare has decided to add some more grinding for you to do. This grinding comes in the form of 100 new Galactic Command Levels.

News of the new levels was revealed in a tweet on the SWTOR account yesterday.

For players who might have been looking for new content, this probably isn't exactly what you were thinking of. But hey... I guess something is better than nothing?

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In this article: SWTOR, BioWare.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (11)

furry fury 8 years ago
Why the hell would you inclucde this game?. i dont see the point that this game needs attention considering this is only 20% free to play the rest is buy to play i mean come on the only reason why they made this partialli free to play is to get more attention unfortunately there are only less than 200 players in the game and all of them are even interested in buying the expansion because it's very unfair and unbalance story is good...and that's the only thing that's good about this game mmobomb is for free games right? (ofcourse this is a free game) but come on you call this "free"? we all have a reason why we play free games more importantly is that we download it because it's free and fun...but come on taking out the "fun" from the free content and make it buy to play? bioware are not even considering just how unfair the game is.

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DynaManic 8 years ago
Your name says it all about your attitude. Remember when people told you that if you have nothing nice to say...? You should have listened to them and saved us your rant.

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trionisshit 8 years ago
Dead game, fake f2p. boring single player game with chat. gameplay feels lik turn based, characters so ugly, no feel of star wars, locked content and characters. no clue what ideots still inviest in this shit.

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