Battle Aces End Of The Year Dev Post Addresses Problems In The RTS Pointed Out By Players
Offers a general plan to deal with them.
If you’re one of the folks who’ve been playing in the Battle Aces beta, an end-of-the-year dev blog highlights some of the results that have come out of that. Everything is broken down into percentages – what the RTS players “loved” and where they found things needed improvement.
It’s worth noting that, with how the data is displayed, it’s difficult to tell how “loved” is determined. For instance, one of the stats was for fast-paced gameplay with 51% of those who responded saying they loved it. The post does not clarify if the other 49% was broken down into other categories such as simply liking it, being okay with it, or hating it – or if the other 49% were simply people who weren’t positive about it. Roll with the data as you will.
As for the items needing improvement, these were listed with percentages as well. The section covering them lists four primary things: tutorial enhancements, repetitiveness, opponent deck influence, and unit balance and controls. Each section lists the feedback players submitted, such as the tutorials needing shorter lessons in order to make getting into the game easier, or a fix being needed to make the game feel less determined by decks.
For each section, the devs give a general solution, such as refining unit balance or facilitating better variety in gameplay modes. That said, it doesn’t lay out any specifics beyond that. Presumably, these things will be addressed in greater depth after the new year.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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