Australian Fortnite Cheater Publicly Apologizes After Getting Destroyed In Court By Epic Games
Brownie points to Epic for donating to charity with the money from the court win.
Since starting proceedings in April 2021, Epic Games and an Australian Fortnite cheater have been in court over a violation of the end-user license agreement (EULA) and terms of service for the massive Battle Royale game. The ruling was finalized this week, and the cheater gets destroyed in court by Epic Games and publicly apologized on Twitter for selling cheats and compromised accounts. In light of the unlawful selling of in-game cheats, Epic Games sent the money received from the court win to Child's Play: a charity focused on improving the lives of children and teens in children's hospitals worldwide.
Brandon Despotakis, also known online as BlazeFN, is the Australian cheater who infringed on Epic's copyright and conducted illegal trading with other players. While the depth of his transgressions aren't fully detailed, Epic learned that BlazeFN had a broker shop similar to the official Fortnite Item Shop that sold aimbots, limited-time "Full Access V-Bucks accounts," inactive accounts that had rare or popular skins with pre-completed battle passes, and much more. With the "kingpin" of the whole operation taken down, it's clear that penalties or even court escalations by Epic Games could happen for members who purchased or contributed to the scheme that BlazeFN had going.
Epic gave a curt statement on the matter, reminding players about their stance on cheating:
"Selling compromised player accounts and cheat technologies puts people’s information at risk and ruins the experience for people who are playing fairly. We take the illegal sale of these items seriously and we’ll pursue all available options to make sure our games remain fun, fair, and never pay-to-win.”
Do you think this is an appropriate punishment for cheaters monopolizing illegal transactions on a multiplayer game? Let's talk about it in the comments!
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About the Author

Anthony Jones is a gaming journalist and late 90s kid in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He started at Mega Visions as a news reporter covering the latest announcements, rumors, and fan-made projects. FFXIV has his heart in the MMORPGs scene, but he's always excited to analyze and lose hours to ambitious and ambiguous MMOs that gamers follow.
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