Attack of the Clones: Heva Clonia Online Announced

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

It's always amusing when developers add a major mechanic into the game's name. It's akin to an actor who shouts out the name of the movie in the least subtle way possible. So from the name of OGPlanet's upcoming MMO, Heva Clonia Online would anyone like to guess what the game's main draw is?

If you guessed presenting mechanics nearly identical to other cookie cutter MMOs then you wouldn't be totally wrong. In actuality Heva Clovia Online will allow players to collect cute and unique pets by cloning in-game monsters. The description on the official game page is the definition of vague, but mentions players can expect non-stop action through various Quests and Episodes, including Co-Op dungeons, group adventures, and more. Hear that? MORE!

Beyond that the teaser page only briefly alludes to class customization through job evolutions. Players can signup on the official page to participate in HCO's first beta test which begins on Sept. 19th and runs through the 30th.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (18)

lightcontrast 11 years ago
Dear whoever wrote this article,

you spelled sept. wrong on the date, you spelled it spet. XD it's spetsnaz 19 - 30th. K I'll stop.
anyways, can't wait for this game. The trailer reminds me of so many old games I would have married as a child but realize marriage is expensive now that I'm grown up, like Eden Eternal, Dragons Nest, and Lunia. (:

Razer 11 years ago
Our worst fears have come true. Korean MMOs have finally reached the point of self-awareness. I for one welcome our new money-grubbing overlords.

jin 11 years ago
this game is targeting little kids for this game and older like maybe 12 or 13 age.

admax 11 years ago
it is not that good

Floronsia 11 years ago
I actually agree withhovsep, these 2 warrors dosen't show any emotion, no fear.. no power... nothing.. just looking arround... and mouth closed..

Trumbles 11 years ago
Another carbon copy anime mmo.. their "special" mechanic isn't even that special :/

Mgamer 11 years ago
Attack of the Clones? I think they spell Titan wrong.

dagudman 11 years ago
There wasn't enough dubstep...

ugurano 11 years ago
this looks boring with most anime mmos

devilr 11 years ago
ok,i will try ....

thesimp 11 years ago
hahaha oh wow...

hovsep 11 years ago
lol can you just FEEL the emotions those guys had in the trailer

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Bic Boi 11 years ago
"In actuality Heva Clovia Online will allow players to collect cute and unique pets by cloning in-game monsters."

This is special how? Last I checked virtually every pet system in these F2P mmos results in exact clones of monsters--whether hatched from an egg or stone or spirit or w/e. You end up with that exact monster. Is that not a clone, then? I really don't see the difference at all.

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Crossx13 11 years ago
I wonder if it's a great game to play. I'm starting to think that it's like another version of Aeria's Eden Eternal or Divina Online. The characters look the same so...

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WakaFlockaRob 11 years ago

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